Storyboard vs SwiftUI
Ankit Desai

Storyboard vs SwiftUI

Storyboard vs SwiftUI

Apple always comes up with new ways to make iOS developer life easy.

If we look towards the history they started with “objective c” and came up with the evolution of “swift” afterward they introduced “storyboard”.

In Storyboard Apple comes with lots of such features so that developers can add functionality with less amount of time,effort and code. With all this we can say Apple has released a tool that makes iOS development lets the developer focus on code quality and functionality rather than putting effort into writing code.

When we adopt new technology in daily practice we face hidden challenges similarly in the storyboard few of them are listed below.

  1. when we have a team working on a single project there are issues of conflict at the time of merging and it is very tedious job to resolve conflicts in the storyboard(especially at the time of the deadline)?
  2. If we forget to change name of IBOutlate or IBAction App get crash at run time.

Once again Apple has introduced SwiftUI back in 2019. Acceptance in the industry is very fast as it has many advantages over storyboard few of them are like.

  1. Code and Interface come together so no need of switching between them.
  2. The real-time change we can see in canvas.
  3. No need to define IBAction and IBOutlates and connect them to the appropriate component.
  4. We don't have to worry about broken constraints.
  5. SwiftUI is a view based so while working as a team there will be fewer issues of conflicts while merging code.

These are a few advantages of swiftUI over storyboard which I found during my initial phase of learning SwiftUI.

By Ankit Desai


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