Story Time: The Partners of Men with BPH
BPH stands for benign prostatic hyperplasia. It's the enlargement of an older man's prostate due to age. Although this condition commonly affects older men worldwide, they're not alone in feeling the impacts of BPH. A bigger prostate could mean more bathroom trips in the middle of the night. Men with BPH may be waking up many times a night, and if their partners (wives or husbands) are light sleepers, this could be doubly affecting sleep. Frequent bathroom trips could also affect plans to go out and spend quality time together.
When men don't want to admit they are having urinary issues due to BPH, sometimes all it takes is a push of love and encouragement from their partners to get BPH treated. This is why it's important not only for men with BPH to be aware of this condition but also their partners.
Partners might be looking online and consulting with fellow partners of men with BPH to get support and find what others are doing for their condition. They might be searching e-stores and physical stores for natural treatments or tips on managing mild BPH symptoms. These partners might also be the ones who help men get to the doctor's office when men aren't keen on going to the doctor.
Don't underestimate the power of a partner to perceive that their man is feeling frustration over BPH. They want to give their man a better quality of life and find a solution to their problem. This is why it's important for both the patient and their loved ones to know more about BPH. Let's continue reading and sharing information about BPH to men and their partners!