Story Telling Part 3
A Focus on Christ article by Jesus to my Rescue Ministries & Outreach

Story Telling Part 3

This article is part 3 and the final on Story Telling.?

In Part 1 I shared a life story of my dad and in summary, we must take time to listen when people speak so that we can learn from their experiences, ditch the bad, and use the good to improve, empower, and make a difference in our lives and in the lives of others.?In Part 2 we talked about how, through the stories of life, history is formed and how we learn that good and bad decisions can make or break relationships, finances and result in either prosperity or a downfall.?We also spoke about the fear of the Lord being the beginning of knowledge (Proverbs 1:7).?

I now want to tell you one last story. ?Please read it, hear it and take it in:?

Once upon a time, long long ago, there was a princess who did not realise that she was royalty.?She was trapped in a lie and was deceived by the devil who appeared to be her friend.?He did not come as a dragon or monster, but as a lie.?Lie brought with him another friend, called fear.?The more the princess believed the lie, the more fear took over and she ended up locking herself away from the rest of the world, avoiding the possibility of getting hurt.?One day she heard a voice.?It was not audible, but soft and in her heart.?

The voice that called her, had a name, and His name was Truth.?Truth came and brought with Him a friend, called Love.?The princess was confused for all she had ever known was lie and fear of Truth.?Once the princess opened her spirit heart and received Truth and Love, then along came Hope and Joy.?The One who entered her spirit heart was Jesus for He is Truth, Love, Hope and Joy.?Light entered and covered every bit of darkness and drove out fear, who, to this day, never returned.?

Dear reader, that princess is me and as the song by Corey Voss says: “Since then I walked in forgiveness, al of my guilt was erased.?The chains of the past were broken at last, I got saved.?I’m undone by the mercy of Jesus.”?

The greatest story ever told is the love story of Jesus Christ, who came as man and died for you and me to set us free.?He overcame death, was resurrected, and went to heaven and is at God’s right hand – with angels, authorities, and powers in submission to Him (1 Peter 3:22).?

1 John 4:18 says that there is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear.?Your life might have left you in fear but listen to the following truth as written by Joseph Prince on 4 March 2022:

“Fear is a destructive bondage. ?Fear paralyzes you and prevents you from fulfilling the amazing destiny that God has for you. ?Fear makes you feel inadequate and insecure and comes with unhealthy side effects ranging from panic attacks to sleep disorders. ?Fear is irrational. ?Fear is a spiritual condition, which is why you can’t reason fear away. ?You can’t simply tell someone who is struggling with fear and is gripped by panic attacks to just stop being fearful. ?

A spiritual condition cannot be remedied naturally. ?Fear can be eradicated only by a personal encounter with the person of Jesus. ?Beloved, if what I just described about fear is all too familiar to you, I want you to know that it is not your heavenly Father’s heart for you to live tormented by fear. ?There is no fear in God’s love. ?His perfect love drives out all fears. ?

I don’t know if you have ever experienced God’s love, but my desire is that TODAY you will catch a revelation of His love for you in a deep and personal way. ?And as His love floods your heart, I pray that every fear that has you bound will forever be cast out of your life. ?John 3:16 tells us, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have ever-lasting life.” ?Oh, how clearly this verse proclaims that God SO loves you. ?And if you only knew how much He esteems and treasures His beloved Son, you would catch a glimpse of how much He loves you, because He gave up His Son for you. ?

That is why I preach and write about the gospel of grace. ?The gospel of grace is all about unveiling God’s perfect love—a love whose length and depth and height were demonstrated at the cross. ?A love that gave up the Son of God as a sacrifice. ?A love that bore your sins and mine so that we can receive His everlasting life and live free of any bondage. ?My friend, the more you immerse and anchor your heart on God’s perfect and unconditional love for you, the more fear will lose its hold on your life!

Dear reader, life is tough, but God is stronger.?The devil is real, but God is on the throne.?The devil has no future and therefore all his stories will relate to the past.?However, remember that part of that story is that Jesus overcame him by giving His own life on the cross, hence giving you and me a future.?You must choose how your story will end and what legacy you will leave.?What will the stories be that you will be remembered by??

Love in Christ

Princess K


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