Story of a Symbolic Language Model
Story of a Symbolic Language Model
Have you ever thought about how you can preserve your experience of communicating in a language and your unique understanding of it, all those nuances of meaning that you feel with your intuition, the experience that you have acquired over many years, starting from an early age .
How to build a system that can help you with this? This is what we will talk about in this article.
Go back to those years at the beginning of your life, when you heard your parents read fairy tales to you and you tried to repeat new words after them.
Even then you knew that adults store knowledge about these words in special books called dictionaries and encyclopedias, you just have to learn to read and write the letters of your native language, and then other languages will be revealed to you.
You looked into these encyclopedias and found out that there are other countries, and mysterious peoples live in them, with an amazing history and speaking their own languages, or maybe you met these children and adults on the street or on a trip and tried to communicate, gradually learning the words of an unfamiliar language, trying to understand by their facial expressions what they wanted to say to you.
Having learned to read and going to school, you looked at these books were surprised at how bizarrely and incomprehensibly they combine words that can only be found in serious scientific volumes of essays.
You tried to understand some unfamiliar word in another language by taking a dictionary, but instead you saw a whole article with examples of phrases and meanings that you didn’t need them at the moment and you just wanted to check if there was the meaning that your intuition tells you, based on the outline of the story, and to make sure that you are on the right path.
And these meanings and examples were so scarce and only remotely suggested the right solution to you and they did not reveal all the richness of the language that you imagine.
So how to build such a system?
First, it must have a clear and simple classification of the entire set of meanings of a word or expression, how to do this - of course, use the alphabet for sorting, and the most important thing is that now, having quickly determined that your intuitive meaning of a word is not in the list, you can create your own dictionary of new words and add a new meaning to the existing list and now you will contribute your share to the treasury of knowledge of the entire system.
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