The Story so Far...

So firstly, apologies for the lack of posting, apparently some of you read my ramblings ??!

What has been going on then, well in a nutshell life. It has been a period of massive reflection and sorting out stuff, be that financial, work, next steps in career and the only way to picture it is those kids toys where you got to put them in order, and it takes a few goes to get them just right.... or where you decide you want them.

So, let’s start here.?


This is becoming all a bit odd for me I've properly been disinvited from meetings for the right reasons but its a tough one none the less, especially when they've been a massive part of your role for so long. I also feel like I’m on the longest goodbye ever where people have reached out to me, and I absolutely love talking to my colleagues but have felt exhausted at times replaying the latest updates.

I also decided to have some leaving drinks, which fills me with absolute terror as I contrary to belief as a massive overthinker wonder if people would come along to say goodbye (if you're around on the 6th of March from 4pm onwards in Bristol, I'll be in Brewdog Harbourside) .... my corporate card will have been handed back by this point though so mines a pint.

I also continue to nurture and support my team who continue to show absolute concern over how to manage budgets, understand my network of colleagues who help me get stuff done.... they'll be fine they're a great bunch.


not much to report here apart from I've finally sorted my pension out after leaving the envelope on the mantlepiece for ages as this was an admission of my future and that I'm actually leaving. The weight off my shoulders was incredible.

Next Steps and Career

Next steps and career. ok so some of you know I am often a bit random so when I found out I was being made redundant I decided to investigate career options one of these is Chimney Sweeping (yes you read that right :-)). So, I have registered to take the course and I was going to do this next week, however I just think I'm trying to do too much and some very good counsel from my family and advice from very dear friends I am moving this to July. I need some breathing space and setting up a new business immediately and trying to keep the Hopkins family ship afloat probably would send me to meltdown... plus the skills will be fresher directly facing into “Sweeping season” it will most likely be a hobby business.

I also reckon I’d be good on the next season of Love Island however this may generate some interesting conversations in my house so applied for the traitors instead, along with 500k other people.

I did have an interview with a large FTSE 100 Company I applied for last year, I thought it went very well tbh however I was not what they were looking for and if I’m honest it wasn't what I was looking for either.... I need something that gives me work life balance .... so, in that vein I applied for a role at my local authority (I can see the office from my house! I was always jealous of that colleague in Halifax who could see his house from the office until I realised the day he pointed it out was clearly underwear washing day!!) I also got this job as a project manager and I am super excited to transfer my skills to this role and they’re super excited to have me too and what better than an 8 minute walk to work, close to the school for kids, close to my parents who aren’t getting any younger but definitely becoming more needy and its next to my Gym so I can continue to keep looking amazing.

I guess the point of this, is sometimes we make decisions that are right at the time you make them but a bit like a jigsaw puzzle the piece was in the wrong place all the time and we just need to shuffle stuff around.

I’ll give you more in the coming weeks, but I have the whole of march off and that is something I definitely looking forward to…. And Trailfinders hopefully get to see my credit card.

In the meantime, here is a picture of me for you to enjoy.







