A story about scheduling...
Andreas Jaeger
Building impactful Startups (10x) from the ground up, with a strong focus on Empathy, Processes and Growth!
Sarah manages the Funky Grill in downtown Boise.
Fridays were always the day she had to make schedules for the coming week.
Every Friday she would open an excel file, check to see everyone, and every shift, is accounted for, change the dates to reflect the next week, print out multiple copies of the schedule, post them all over the restaurant, walk through the restaurant to tell everyone there is a new schedule out, and get herself ready for the inevitable slew of interactions asking for time off, or to switch shifts.
A couple of weeks ago, the owners of the restaurant decided to give Shedwool Employee Scheduling a chance, and the changes were immediate!
With ShedWool’s help they set up their instance in a matter of hours, and created the first schedule.
Now on Fridays, Sarah comes to work, sits down at her computer and logs in to ShedWool.
She clicks on “Options”, then “Copy to next week” and then “Publish”.
Instantly the new schedule is available to all employees on their mobile devices.
If they need time off, they can simply use the app and request it.
If they need anything, they can send Sarah a message through the app.
There are no more ugly schedules posted throughout the restaurant.
Employee satisfaction is through the roof.
Sarah has many more hours that she can directly take care of customers and her staff.
Business is on the rise, customers are happy, employees are happy, and the owners have never been so happy.
Are you a restaurant or bar still using manual methods to do your scheduling? Is good enough, really good enough?