The Story is The Product
Those who understand the multidimensional nature of narrative understand one thing: you can create a story about how awful your product is and make millions from successfully articulating failure. Millions can be raised by telling a story of how millions were lost. The story is the product.
Let's go a touch further.
The best stories create platforms. In today's world, companies are not as valuable as platforms that allow others to create companies. I am repeating this on purpose. Companies are not as valuable as platforms that allow others to create companies.
Not convinced?
Have you ever hired Google Landscaping? Ever gone to Dr. Google for your annual checkup? Of course not. But you used Google to find a landscaper or a doctor. What does this teach us?
The economics of individuality have been replaced by the economics of empowerment. As a business owner, you must not exclusively promote yourself, but rather, promote a platform that allows users to promote themselves. Turn your company into a passthrough, not a destination. Make your story a bridge leading others to a mirror.
Let me illustrate this. Bring me an average to mundane product dripping with incompetence, better yet, bring me a service that is not special by any stretch of the imagination, and I will create a story that scales this same product or service because the story is the product.
The ethical implications of this approach are a philosophical discussion for another time. As for reality on this earth, story is the fastest runner in this marathon we call business.