A story for a positive start...
What can you do to make your dream come true? Everyone will say everything possible, but practically, things don't go as we have planned. Today I will tell you about a person who had a strong belief in oneself and ready to travel every corner of the earth to see his dream into reality.
A 52-year-old Ray Kroc was an unsuccessful traveling salesman selling Prince Castle brand spindle milkshake mixers. While he, with his supportive wife, has saved enough for their comfortable life at Illinois, but Ray carves more. For sales, Ray is always on the road going from one drive-in restaurant to another. He observes many flaws in them, like the quality of beef in hamburgers, waiting time after the order, freshness of food, etc. But he can't do anything for that.
He was struggling for selling one milkshake mixer for months, and one lucky day, he got an order of 5 spindle milkshake mixer, and that's too from only one restaurant. With joy, he visited that restaurant. Two brothers Richard and Maurice managed that crowded restaurant. Ray was amazed by the service speed. He tried there Hamburger and fries and was very pleased with the taste and freshness of it. Finally, he got one restaurant that has no flaws, according to him.
He met with the owners and asked there secret. Richard and Maurice believe the secret is in their service speed, the "fast food," but Ray believes it something else.
The next day, Ray suggested that the brother franchise the restaurant, but they hesitated as they have already tried and failed in that, they lost control over many of those aspects, which have made the original restaurant successful. Despite knowing that Ray is crazy, the brothers on several terms and conditions enter into a contract with him, making their head of franchising. As a franchising head, his work was to hire employees, train them, guide them, and earn a part of that franchise profit.
He starts opening franchise after franchise but soon become frustrated with brothers as well as the franchise as they both were not listening to him. Brothers restrict Ray to experiment with anything new, and on the other side, franchise downgrades the quality of food with time. Brothers were pleased with the money they receive, even the franchise was earning good, but according to the profit-sharing agreement, Ray did not make much. He also had to mortgage his beautiful house due to which his wife left him for his careless attitude.
Ray sat with his friend to sort his troubled life. He was opening franchise after franchise, but his earning is going down. His friend observed Ray's bank statement and informed him that he is in the wrong business. He is not in the food industry but actually in the real estate industry. Earlier Richard and Maurice used to look for a shop, rent that and open a franchise. But now if Ray bought that shop, on which franchise is to be open, he not only controls the franchise to maintains a standard of food but also manages the brothers as they will rent Ray for the shop. This thought has changed everything.
Ray grow his empire quickly. Soon he bought all rights of Richard and Maurice franchise. He conquered America in a year or two. He jumped from country to country and, today, opened in 120+ countries with around 40,000 restaurants, serving 68 million customers per day. By this time, you might have guessed the famous, world-class hamburger brand MCDONALD'S. It was this name Ray always want to associate with, and in the end, he did.
What you get from this:
A 52-year man falls in love with the arcs and done everything to have those. Values like Persistence and Determination determines his actions. He just believes in himself and follows what his heart says. Ray failed many times even lost his beloved wife, but the situation changes with time. He Thinks, Replanned, Execute, and Conquered.
We desired many things, but how hard we want it, is what determines when we have our dream into reality. If you be persistent in your work, and love what you do, your success will automatically come to you. So BELIEVE, BECOME, and CHANGE.