The story of ox and ass..
One evening an ox bemoaned to an ass about the hardness oh his lot saying, 'I do labour pulling the plow from morning to night. No matter how hot the day or how tired my legs, still I must work. But you are a creature of leisure. You are trapped with a colourful blanket and do nothing more than carry our master where he wishes to go. When he goes nowhere you do rest and eat the green grass all day long.
Now the ass inspite of his vicious heels, was a good fellow and sympathised with the ox. 'My good friend', he replied, 'you do work very hard and I would help ease your lot. Therefore I will tell you how you may have a day of rest. In the morning when the slaves comes to fetch you to the plow, lie upon the ground and bellow much that he may say you are sick and cannot work.'
So the ox took the advice of the ass and the next morning the slave returned to the farmer and told him the ox was sick and could not pull the plough.
'Then', said the farmer, ' hitch the ass to the plow for the plowing must go on.'
All that day the ass, who had only intended to help his friend, found himself compelled to do the ox's task. When night came and he was released from the plow his heart was bitter and his legs were weary and his neck was sore where the bow had chafed it.
The ox began first. 'You are my good friend. Because of your wise advice I have enjoyed a day of rest.'
'And I', retorted the ass, 'am like many another simple hearted one who starts to help a friend and ends up by doing his task for him. Hereafter you draw your own plow, for I did hear the master tell the slave to send for the butcher were you sick again. I wish he would for you are a lazy fellow.
Thereafter they spoke to each other no more - this ended their friendship.
Moral of the tale?
If you desire to help thy friend, do so in a way that will not bring thy friend's burdens upon thyself.