The "Story Machine" : Building Blockchain applications
The context
Different companies are willing to harness some of their respective capabilities in order to make a new market (electric car market for instance), i.e they have mutual self-interests in developing their respective business, or a company is willing to expand its business ecosystem in order to increase its business i.e to increase the pace of adoption of its offerings (an insurance company for instance), or opportunities require binding interdependent businesses i.e mutualizing resources (generic case) and so on.
All of them need to think about building a platform.
The issue
The Platform model is a model where a company is doing business with the customers of its customers, making value with information about them, in order to make money with its customers. Customers' incentive is to grow their market while the incentive of their customers is to get the right product at the best price.
If platforms make markets and provide the best of breed of technologies for all the stakeholders, they are intermediairies shaping the business of their customers...
The, What about B2C entreprises such as utilities, insurance, real estate and so on? How to build a platform... Let's apply the model.
The story
Working document (on going project)
The blockchain technology has emerged with the promise to transform our economic systems in radical ways: A secure "trust machine" with intrinsic patterns of value creation and sharing enabling growth of decentralized organization such as business ecosystems; how to build open and scalable Platforms, a kind of Blockchain technology for ecosystems?
With a such technology, the challenge is to engineer a Business Engineering Technology Platform to design and build decentralized processes, activities spanning over multiple organizations. We need a "Story Machine' at the application level.
What is a story ? a way of exchanging information to add value to any stakeholder business, at any scale, on ecosystems build-in value chains, but in a such way that each stakeholder keeps a full control of his assets value and relationships.
Beyond decentralization, compliance to market regulation and business agreements across ecosystems will bring new opportunities of intermediation, not about assets but processes.
This new Platform must be W3C compliant and enables integration of any blockchain based technology or component as a service in an open WWW Distributed Platform, a smooth and seamless integration.
Early stage objective is to co-create an innovation ecosystem able to carry on this ambition. This is the project of Newco.
Your role
You are a stakeholder! Please help us to write the story :-)
The Paltform for B2C entreprises?
A two faces business platform with on a side, a B2C ecosystem and on the other side, customers of this B2C ecosystem. Trust and competition in the ecosystem incitates any stakeholder to share information when information adds value to other stakeholders, increasing the whole value of the ecosystem for all customers as a result of the network effect. While any stakeholder has a full control on its "golden data" and assets, competition is driving stakeholders to cooperate with the ecosystem, an ecosystem-driven economy based on exchange of value.
The platform is based on a sharing economy model, a model where the economy is based on increasing utilization rate, i.e value of any kind of assets. making more with less resource, or in one word, innovate!
Everyone has a story