Story line
When you are in the public arena for a sustained period of time, we found having a consistent story line helped in getting specific programs and project approved. Story lines have three parts: a thesis, a history and the next chapter. As with any good novel, getting the thesis established early on helps structure the story – “Treasure Island is about finding a treasure” “Murder on the Orient Express” is about finding the murderer. In Littleton, our storyline was “we are a progressive community accomplishing things far greater than you would expect in a community of this size.”
The second element is reminding the public of the story to date. When we were ready to propose new projects or programs, we began with a review of the thesis and the story to date. “Our community has a long history of progressive programs that make us a highly liveable city. We went to Congress to get legislation allowing us preserve the Platte River Valley. We developed a trail system throughout the river valley that accommodates hikers and bikers without being on the street system.”
Finally, we introduced the next chapter that made sense in the story. “We think design guidelines for a lifestyle shopping center that reflect the rural character of the river valley will support our previous efforts and investments.” It is the next chapter of our story.