The Story of the Landlord, the Tenant and the Landlord's son. (My personal theory of the Anti-Christ)

Once upon a time there was a landlord. This landlord owned a lot of properties. His properties were magnificent. They had everything you can imagine. It was a busy landlord who was constantly working on other projects which led him to abandon some of his properties for longer periods of time.

So one day, while the landlord was gone, someone came and noticed the?property and since no one was on sight that someone thought that the property was abandoned. This someone further noticed that the property had everything he/she could ever ask for and decided to move in.?So someone moved into the landlords property, made himself comfortable and started a family so to say.

A long time passed and someone had gotten more than just comfortable. Indeed someone had become so comfortable that there was no single doubt in someone's mind that the property had become theirs. The landlord was nowhere to be found anyway, there is just no way he is coming back, someone thought and practically convinced themselves that the property had become theirs.

So one day, after a very long time,?the landlord came back and noticed the new tenants. Lets just say the landlord had a bit of a feeling that tenants may move in upon his departure. In other words, he was expecting them but he thought it would be best not to let them know until significant time passes and they had forgotten all about him. Further he thought it would be best if he sends his?son to introduce himself to the new tenants and let them?know about the situation and how rent is handled by Dad.?So the landlord sends his son to talk to the tenant.

But one thing leads to another and there is a dispute between the tenants and the landlords son because the tenants do not believe that the landlords son is actually who he says he is which leads to the tenants executing and killing the landlords son. Although the landlords son gets killed, some people wonder however where his body went and wonder whether his final words would take place one day. His final words were something like:

"No worries, Dad kinda told me in advance that something along these lines would happen. Nevertheless he sent me defenseless. Please be advised that I am not all that mad at you and one day I need to come back. But at that time when I come back, I most likely won't be as defenseless as this time around. Just fyi."?The arrival and departure of the landlords son became a quite known event and got recorded in several literature pieces which became very famous among certain religious crowds and still today mean more to some people than to others. These literature pieces more or less all predict the landlord's son coming back to clarify who the landlord and who the tenant is for good.

The amount of time that had passed led to the tenants family becoming so large that the landlords property had to be divided among 195 family members who were in charge of administering millions?of other families. There was a lot of dispute among many families due to some families lacking resources while other families had more than sufficient but didn't quite see a need to share. Most people had totally forgotten about the landlords son and didn't even know that his 2nd visit was truly expected by only selected few just around this time.

Now the landlord did something. What did he do? Well, the landlord told his son. "Look son, I am going to teach these tenants a lesson. Let me go, instead of you and I will pretend to be you and I actually set it up in a way that there wont be any doubt in the tenants mind this time that I, I mean you is the landlords son. "

So basically, the landlord himself decides to speak to the tenant pretending to be the landlords son. The landlord sets up a difficult challenge for himself because when the landlord arrives at the property, all 328 families appear to be somewhat independent from each other and there doesn't seem to be a central office and apparently many people came by already and pretended to be the landlord or the landlords son prior to his arrival making it next to impossible for him to be taken seriously. So what does the landlord do, that only the landlord can do?

Well, it appears as if the landlord has to demonstrate that he indeed is the landlord and he needs to do it in a way that there is next to no doubt left in the tenants' minds afterwards and there is only 1 way to do that somewhat peacefully. The landlord needs to somewhat obtain a position of authority and establish a large enough follower ship to portray his death. In other words, he needs to die and then he needs to revive from death, then return so the world can witness the event.

Why does the landlord need to do that and what is it that the landlord wants? The landlord needs to die and come back so people understand that he is indeed the landlord. No one else can do that other than him. The landlord is actually really kind, he doesn't want any rent. He even offers the tenants to stay longer if they want to. He actually wants to tell the tenants that they could stay as long as they want but all they need to admit that he is the landlord and for formality purposes?195 family members need to sign over their property so the world understands that there is only 1 landlord. The landlord says: "Look, I don't really want anything from you. What am I supposed to do with your stuff? I have more than you can ever imagine. You can stay in your homes, keep your businesses and continue your life's. I am not here to disrupt your lifestyle but if you want to keep on living here, you need to understand that I am the landlord and you are the tenant and all I ask is that you treat me accordingly. The landlord says: "I understand your pain. For some of you this is going to be harder than for others. Poor people are not going to care. They don't own anything. The richer you are , the harder it is going to be for you. Rich people are going to have a hard time parting with their belongings, But here is what you need to understand, I am the landlord and I am telling you that you are going to die unless you give up your belongings. You have limited time left.?The only way for you to stay is by giving up your belongings and accepting that I am the landlord. But whether you give up your belongings or not, you are going to die anyway and your belongings will become mine. So if you want to live, you really have no choice. The only way for you to keep what you have and live is by giving it up. It is going to be your biggest challenge in your life."

Due to the fact that so many people came before and claimed to be the landlord, as convincing as he may sound the landlord already has a feeling that none of the 328 family members are going to sign over their property voluntarily without a proper demonstration. So the landlord initiates a process which he had planned out before and predicted within the recorded literature. He initiates a process and puts himself into power. He demonstrates an event which is fairly vicious and leads one of the 328 family members to sign over the property to him. The world witnesses the event which causes a chain reaction and more and more family members sign over the property to the landlord until 194 family members sign over their property; all except one.

So the landlord demonstrates a rather scary situation. He says to the 194 families: "All of you understand and accept that I am the landlord. There is 1 family who doesn't.?Its either all of us go and we'll do rapture together or none of us goes. Is it fair that the whole world gets punished because 1 family is too stubborn to let go of whatever they think they should believe. Nevertheless, I will let you all talk to them one last time." I have a feeling of what happens next but do not wish to give away the ending of the story.

Nevertheless I am pretty positive that this is what the world is going to witness. It's one huge theater and we are God's audience. Every one of us is in the same boat. Whether Christian, Muslim, Jew or Taoist. God is going to teach everyone a lesson. Some of us will even be called to stage.

Christians are sweating since the Bible predicts a 7 year period of the Anti-Christ aka. Tribulation period and Christians are not sure whether the Rapture event is going to take place prior or after to this event.

Muslims are sweating because they know that even the Quran predicts the return of Jesus?rather than?the return of Mohamed who was the very last prophet. No Muslim understands what is meant in the Quran by "killing the swine" which is something that Jesus is expected to do upon return. They are clueless.

The Jews are sweating because they know that they are not quite off the hook yet either. Jews do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah but even the Jews will learn that this is God. There is no other. He is the only one. You can not deny your creator. You can not turn away from God.?

A lot of people will deny the following and I am already aware of that. But it is what it is and there is a likelihood that I am accurate with my assumption that Satan doesn't really exist. He is just too powerful so God must be Satan too that's why Christ must be the Anti-Christ as well.?Why would God resurrect the Anti-Christ after a period of 3 1/2 years of World Domination and turn the Man of Sin after assassination into the Son of Perdition upon resurrection??God would not do that if the Anti-Christ and Christ would not be within the same person. Therefore there really is no such thing as Evil or Satan. It's all God and God is Love. Therefore all MUST be love. You must love everything unconditional. Therefore Jesus is the person who is the first to develop this mindset since it is the only way out! The Christians are correct and Jesus is very likely to?fulfill his promises upon his second visit but Jesus does not have a general contractor license to build a temple. He needs more than a temple, he needs a kingdom and he doesn't want to live in Damascus, Jerusalem or Tel-aviv.?If so many Christians really belief in the 2nd coming of the lord, how come no one is even making any arrangements for any form of accommodation. What is Jesus supposed to do 24/7? Is he just supposed to hover around the world. Is he supposed to sleep at all. Well, where is he supposed to sleep, at the Sheraton Hotel or Econo Lodge? You haven't even created any form of accommodation for someone of this caliber of authority. What about Jesus' security. Who is going to provide security for Jesus around Jerusalem? The Muslims? We dont even have a neutral zone on this planet where Aliens could land and be protected. There are close to half a million people on Facebook alone spread out in different 2nd Coming groups who belief in the arrival of the lord but no one seems to be really thinking about these things. I mean I understand that individually Christians can not really do anything but cant we all get together and at least start building something to show the lord that we want him to come and we want him to stay. A real king is a people king. He doesn't arrive and announce that he is king and that he is in charge. A people king relies on his people to understand that a people king needs to be put into position since everybody agrees that this person has tremendous leadership capabilities and can lead better than anyone else and therefore should lead. A king gets his authority from God. He doesn't really require your authority. But if you don't want him, that's fine with him too since he knows at the end it will be Gods will anyway.

There are reasons why Jesus will not go near Damascus and Tel-Aviv or Jerusalem this time around although these cities carry Gods most loyal followers and are among the cities who are in deepest prayer right now. Jesus despises those 3 cities more than anything in the world. The Jews killed him the last time around. The Jews could not be further away from the truth if they think that Jesus is coming to pray with them and mingle and will visit them. No chance. Just remember what did the Jews did to Jesus last time: They executed him. They don't believe that he is the landlord or the landlords son.?Also Jesus does not have to prove anything to the Jews. He is certainly not going to pray with them because Jesus doesn't need to pray. It would be fake. He never read the bible and he certainly doesn't wear a cross either. This is not the Jesus from the virgin birth Mary. This is a different Jesus. Most likely he doesn't have long hair and he inst super skinny to the point of starvation either.

He certainly does not wear a cross because wearing a cross in our day and age is meaningless anyway. Every single rapper in the hip hop community wears a cross but apparently they don't understand that a Christian can not support an organization where the white man profits of the black mans fruit of labor since Hip Hop is 98% black but every popular Hip Hop label is owned by Universal which makes the white man the number #1 beneficiary. This is wrong There is another thing that that Jews must understand. This is not Jesus' Episode One where he meets and travels with individuals and forms Apostles. This is Jesus Episode Two. His status is already confirmed by many since he already resurrected once.?Based on his status in society Jesus is not really allowed to communicate with anyone anyway. The average Christian may not reach out to the Pope, you are unlikely to get a Bishop on the line either. What makes you think that you can talk to Jesus? Jesus is above the Pope. The only one that Jesus will talk to is his own personally assigned King. There are 7.5 Billion people on this earth. Jesus loves everyone equally which means that everyone is entitled to the same amount of time with Jesus. The size of our population itself makes even a second with Jesus impossible. What are you expecting? People

This is actually a time where the white man and even the yellow man in America needs to stand up for the black man regardless of the black man having a larger dick. Because everything is linked together and everything is bullshit. Society is lying to you. Porn websites have always been the most visited websites in the world. There are pharmaceutical companies profiting tremendously of the males insecurity by having males belief that there is something called a penis enlargement pill which will increase the size of your member and have you perform better, as desired, like a porn star. They are taking advantage of your insecurities by giving you the illusion that your female counterpart is mainly interested in the size of your member and the larger you are the higher your chances of being selected for mating which is complete bullshit and it takes seconds to prove. If you ask a random audience of volunteers whether male or female to participate in an experiment and you let them know that you have a small, tiny object?in your left hand and a fairly large object in your right hand and one of these objects needs to be placed in your rectum. How many participants do you think will voluntarily prefer a larger object over a smaller object to be inserted into their rectum? Unless there is a masochist within the participants, human nature which prefers to avoid pain tells me, that the number will be next to zero. But someone for decades the porn industry has you convinced otherwise. You see? Even the large dick is a marketed illusion within a simulation. The porn industry is paid of by the pharmaceutical industry to push Penis Enlargement Pills. For this purpose and this purpose only, they must convince you of something but it's a lie. Its marketed by same exact people who now try to make a quick buck by putting delays in kids smartphone games cause they know that if there is anybody who has access to mommy or daddy's credit card quicker and in a trusted manner, its junior. Marketing and Sales are both bullshit in the name of capitalism. Marketing to people who don't know they are being marketed too is unethical and selling an item at?higher price may prove that you have salesman ship ability to lure extra cash out of your victims pocket but does it make you a better human??A humans true value is not defined by the amount he can take rather by the amount he gives.

What is God asking Christians to do??Christians are supposed to be united. If the pope was younger, with more energy and in proper physical shape, what would the pope do? Well, if I was the pope, I would go straight to India, Bangladesh, Africa or wherever the most amount of children are dying due to poverty and lack of fresh water, food, shelter and lacking basic education. I would address Elon and make a Youtube Video. I would say something along the lines of: "Hello Elon, look around me, there is innocent children dying here. Does it really matter to you if you have 189 Billion or 188 Billion in your checking account right now? Can I count on you to do the Christian thing?"

or I would address Bill Gates and say something such as:

"Hello Bill, with all due respect. I don't mean to sound ungrateful. Thank you very much for your contribution to Africa so far. But I am not quite sure if you understand the definition of a Philanthropist. If a person has $10 and they give $5 to a homeless person. This person has just given up 50% of their belongings. But no one calls them a philanthropist. In your case, a philanthropist can?not be a person who remains among the top 10 richest people in the world. A philanthropist gives up his position in society to become someone else. Basically you are the person with $10 who gives a penny to the homeless person. According to your net worth, that would be the same exact thing, wouldn't it? What has changed for you really. Sofa nothing. Can I count on you to continue doing the Christian thing?"

There are tremendous amount of Christians in the world. The power of Christianity lies within their unity. Christians are among the largest crowd of consumers and must reunite in order to have sufficient leverage.?If you are a Christian and if Elon or Bill or Jeff or whoever even remotely thinks of turning down the Pope's request and not doing the Christian thing, it is required from you to turn your back. What does it mean to turn your back??Well, you can not consider yourself a Christian and own a Tesla or be invested in SpaceX stock or even be one of Elon's followers on Twitter.?If Bill says No, then Christians must turn their back to anything Microsoft and if Jeff says no than Christians no longer shop at Amazon. This is the power that Christians have when they all get together and do the Christian thing.?

Technically, Christians could appoint a Jesus person, you don't even need a divine or religious person. It is requested from Christians that you get together and unite not further split into different catholic groups with fairly minor different biblical approaches. God is not in the book. He is outside the book but inside your head. Go find him and while you are at it, tell the world in a peaceful non- crusades type manner that rapture applies to practically everyone who believes, not just Christians. Also, while you are at it, you might as well tell people that Jesus loves everybody equal, not just Christians. Christians just happens to be Jesus' #`1 fan crowd so to say.

When people wear a cross or a chain made out of gold just for status in society, its actually a huge disrespect towards God. This is an example of the Anti-Christ regime which has taken charge. This is why Jesus needs to break the cross and close the church chapter which means that there are 7 years left until Armageddon. I don't think that the rapture event is taking place prior to the Anti-Christ simulation.

Although it makes me feel horrible having to tell a 13 year that his chance of reaching?drinking age has become slim, and although we have a God who portrays anger due to the overwhelming disrespect he receives, we have to understand that there is a lesson to be learned for all of us and this is the only way that God can teach us. I must hope for a happy ending because God is great and hope is all I got left. He is amazing to say the least. If you have not experienced God's greatness. You are not looking around you. You are not looking in nature. He is the single best thing that ever happened to us and we don't even know it.?He is the best Dad that we can possible have. He gives us everything unlimited. Most of us don't even have any idea that he is always here. Even if I know that the Holy Ghost wont be returning from his Halloween party and the Bible together with the Quran and other books has practically become a fire log, I feel confident that life must go on and Christians must also understand that Christ is just not in the Bible. The book has become the safety heaven for many and almost every answer leads to whatever it says in the book based on the individuals interpretation. It has gotten to a point were people just pretend to be Christians while their real agenda is to retail their latest book and hefty their own pockets. This is a great disrespect but Christians fall for this and not just Christians.?The books must be made obsolete. God is saying that there comes a time when you must look outside the book and there is a time to close all books and that this time is now. But people can not let go, they are in denial and even in Tribulation period, the books are getting referenced more than ever and that's another lesson people will learn. There is a time when you must let go.

But the lack of unity is not just within the Christian community. God wants to teach everybody a lesson. It doesn't matter whether you are black or white. Who needs Jesus more? Is it the black or the white man. It's the blacks because the jails in America are filled with equal amounts of blacks and whites but there are 7 times more white people than black people. Black people have no wealth. Elon and Jeff alone have 300 times more money than Oprah who is the richest black person.?While Hip Hop belongs to blacks, they white man is currently still the main beneficiary of the Hip Hop Entertainment industry - though selling to the yellow man little by little - which keeps the black man chasing a false dream. Its the trap. But worse than that the blacks dominate almost all kinds of sports and enslave themselves voluntarily to money. If the black community was united, they could easily break the system and I have a feeling they will because I am a white guy and I am extremely bothered by the fact that there is not a single NFL team owner who is black. America has more responsibility than other countries. Number 1 responsibility is towards our own people including the blacks but we don't fulfill that. Second, the USA has a leadership status in the world. We can not have 99% NFL team owners being white while almost all players are black.?We are sending a message to the world saying this is ok. But it is not ok.?The black community holds very popular spots within music, acting, entertainment, sports and other areas. If players do not show up to a game, there is no game. It takes unity to form a union and it takes a union to form a strike. Black people can do that and they need to do that prior to baseballs coming out in watermelon colors and footballs being replaced by coconuts.

God is a powerful force in this game. The most powerful one among all players who sets himself up as the underdog. He is the underdog who is actually top dog but everybody finds out at a different time. The Muslims will learn what God thinks about them when it comes to female rights. God is fair, God is just.?God will address Brunei and let them know that he made Brunei purposefully the richest country in the world but Brunei has been a great disappointed and therefore Brunei will trade Spot 1 with the poorest country and thereby go to the last spot. The one in the last spot will become Brunei. Rich white men start over as poor black females or whatever God finds just. Finally, there will be justice. Every prayer will be answered.

God has the power to process the actions of 7.5 Billion individual humans with such a precision that it is mind blowing to say the least. If God demonstrates his power just 1 single time, the biggest baddest wolf turns into a soft plush sheep til the end of his time.

The greatest game a God can play is toying with a human. You can not trick God. Whatever brilliant scheme you think you can design in your mind to shift responsibility and pretend to be innocent or whatever you can think of to get away with.?There is no getting away.?You can not beat God at his own game. God is like the best chess computer ever in existence. If all computers on planet earth would connect and form one monster chess computer and if this computer would make the 1st move in the game, its practically already game over when you are playing against God. He has every single outcome already calculated and its already done and?you haven't even started playing yet. You have no chance. Its God's will. Whatever God wants to happen, that's whats going to happen. No one can stop it. Its his will. It's his show. He is in charge and no one else. If you think you have any form of power whether capital, political or military it is an illusion. God is the only one who has power, the rest is practically joke power. Its an act. Its a demo. That's the simulation. Even if there was a God above our God, it is none of your concern cause that God doesn't give a shit about you. You are like a lab rat and there is only 1 lab technician who cares for you. That's our God! You can not cry to the supervisor of the lab technician when you are abused. The lab technician is your only point of communication.

People will understand what it means to have true power with a fairly simple but effective demonstration by God. I have a feeling that the Prince of Peace has a certain way to bring peace to this world but we man need war and discipline and hierarchy and orders to follow. We men can not survive holding hands and singing Kim-Bah-Jah. We need action in our lifes. Therefore the Prince of Peace will offer us peace on earth in exchange for war against something else. The simulation of humanity's first official contact must be a violent one for the world to agree that it is the time for all of us to unite because it requires all of us working together to form a proper defense against a common enemy which will not be from this world. Simply due to the fact that there are soo many species between Human and God but we are just so disrespectful to think that our species is the most dominant and powerful species in God's Universe. Apparently we havent seen anything yet which will be another lesson to learn from God's spectacle.

Although I say, form a defense, don't kid yourselves if you are in the military or a gun owner; you are not a real Christian. you can"t be. This is not Jesus' way. Even Jesus was a pacifist which is one of the very first things that I learned about Jesus. He was a great admirer of Buddha. That's what made him Buddhist. Once Buddhist, you even carry additional commandments because you understand that any form of life is sacred which is not something that Christians are required to follow but a true Christian does non of the less since Jesus did it. Violence is unacceptable but so is following order blindly. If you pull a trigger, you are responsible. It doesn't matter if you are following orders. That person who gives you the order is responsible too but the person pulling the trigger must carry the most amount of punishment for the crime. Whether you are a veteran or not, whether you experienced war or not doesn't matter. At no point is it ok to market a soldiers accomplishments by portraying the amount of life that he took. This is inhumane. The military can not do that. Only God has power of the military and he is going to establish that. Forget about capitol punishment. It would imply that you took Gods right to punish into your own hands. Only God can punish. You are not allowed to punish. You are not even allowed to imprison, you just don't know any other way.

Here is something else that I know about God and how he operates. You may have divorced once or twice in your lifetime, some of you maybe even more but the sin committed by you for breaking the promise you made to God is not as great as a sin committed by any form of divorce lawyer, practically on a daily basis and this person hasnt even promised anything to God. Punishement for that is even higher since that person lacks the respect it requires to understand why the unit of family is holy. No divorce lawyer can even remotely consider themselves Christian. It just further proofs the current existence of the Anti-Christ regime.

We need someone to break us through this piece of shit we created in the name of corruption under an umbrella of false democracy. Humans can not tell other Humans what to do. We need guidance. We need someone with higher authority to tell us what to do. We shouldn't even be correcting other humans, we should be accommodating them in different ways whether this requires a Murder City, Rapist City, Pedophile City or Thief City. Add some life cameras and here are you new 4 most popular Reality TV shows. Design a system where people can correct themselves and give them a way back into society rather than caging humans for lifetime which you are not going to be able to do much longer anyway. Eventually someone is going to or already has developed technology which allows a person to mind and body control another person and having that person commit a crime. If someone proves that this can be done, it will always allow reasonable amount of doubt and render our current justice system practically useless since the reasonable doubt of being controlled by another person or entity will exist.

God is actually the single best thing you can have in your life. The one's who have God in their life, know exactly what I mean. It's the ones who don't that I feel sorry for. Your whole life is spent chasing money and power, fame and glory; you are chasing an illusion of happiness but at the end, you are left empty and finally then you get it since there is no difference between you who dies or anyone else. Your whole life you dont bother to find out about God. You don't understand that God can hit a little tiny switch and you can have longer lasting happiness. Nevertheless, God has so much love. He even has love for you. God's love towards you never changes.?If you believe you will live on, at least 1000 years with Jesus. That's what the book says which means what, if you believe??Well it means Rapture will take place regardless. If you don't believe, well Armageddon just knocked on your door. You got less than 7 years my friend. Maybe you want to think about your next investment a little more thoroughly. There is only one thing left in the world which makes sense and that is Love. You need to protect it at all cost.

Do you think that Jesus gets laid upon his return? I believe that the Anti-Christ and Christ must be in the same body and that Jesus gets laid by anything walking and talking to the point where he becomes Man of Sin.?He deserves it most. Why should it be someone else. Jesus sacrifices most. In order to become Jesus, he can not have a lot of love. It has to be someone who is fairly isolated; a servant of God who never really receives the credit that he deserves. It's someone who fights for humanity without humanity even knowing he is there because a true King doesn't sit on the throne. A true King is among his people and suffers just as much.

Since Jesus is God, God needs a reset. God is burning out which means that he has very little love left. God can no longer feel human love that's why he is initiating this procedure. He needs a refill or he s going to pull the plug. But he sets it up in a way that he gets his refill and we get to go on,?I sincerely hope. God is offering to initiate a New Word Order. He wants to show you a sample of a better world. Bare in mind that its just a simulation. God is saying:

"There are too many corrupt politicians, there is too much trade inequality, too much nationalism, too many stereotypes and overall I could administer this easier if there was 50% less overhead. Is there anyone who thinks he can fix this quicker than me? Please step up. Here is how I will fix this within seconds. Rename all countries from A1 - A195 randomly. Everybody grab a partner that borders you. Flip a coin, winner stays. Every international trade or arrangement now goes through my office which is added as an additional entity to democracy. I don't even require power. "

I can not think of a more effective way to process a New World Order, but only God can do it. Let's all not forget that its a simulation and the Anti-Christ may indeed be a really nice guy according to this theory.

<possibly to be continued or at least edited>


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