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Happy reading, you may also be interested in my poems and wonder what motivates me here are my thoughts on the matter
My poetry language is mythical and magical recited to ensure that you are captivated under my spell. To comprehend that is to put your reading ability to the test, don’t blame me if you get addicted. All my poems reflect a paragraph of the human spirit, and the world outside does not know about my composition which I am willing to accomplish.
I hope my poems are someday something people take their cue from and possibly read aloud in their habitual voice making it their mouthpiece, my poems have no balance and shift, they flow like water.
If poetry is as old as history itself and probably older than religion it just means the independent mindset naturally is a tool in itself to illustrate and to set tradition, like Poetry Oasis it is impossible to define my poetry. Nevertheless, some may become familiar with my work and thus impute differences between my poetry and prose.
Instead of further worrying over definitions, it may be both a relief and an illumination to exhibit certain plain and mighty differences between prose and poetry by comparison. I do not consider myself a speaker but my conscious as it were knows the distinction between good and bad, doubtless the precision I have taken in combining my words to produce sound rhythm results in a peculiar precision concerning what is not in the same sense that cannot be measured when trying to define Poetry Oasis.
I hope to create a new mode of thought in the spirit of poetry after all people's reason for wanting a definition is to place the poems in a borderline case, causing a definition but that will not do for Poetry Oasis if you ask me why my answer to you is in truth my words seems to embody poetry, on the contrary, I have not classified this kind of poems in any class of definition hence it is an exception that could be either or neither but will always remain unique.
Some poets are happy to distinguish their poems making it easy to distinguish the mechanical part of prose, making a relation symmetrical with all kinds of definitions and distinctions, not Poetry Oasis my tendency is different, there are no themes, incremental repetitions, or variations in any form.
Some day they may write about me as being an exception quite a formidable perhaps the greatest poet in the world for when people are presented with a series of passages written indifferently from other poems but presented as prose the result is a dominant inclination to identify but the reason is absurd plain. In the future when amateurs and so-called experts will talk about my poetry poems, they will say there is a major difference that is all.
In place of further worrying over definitions, it may be both a relief and an illumination to exhibit certain plain and mighty differences between prose and poetry by comparison. I do not consider myself a speaker but my conscious as it were knows the distinction between good and bad, doubtless the precision I have taken in combining my words to produce sound rhythm results in a peculiar precision concerning what is not in the same sense that cannot be measured when trying to define Poetry Oasis.
He was introducing Kenvil Giles Atkins Lewis owner of Poetry Oasis, both to his contemporaries and to modern readers. Kenvil’s eternal beauty of nature and the beauty of the seasons seems peculiarly Caribbean. his lyric gift for sound and cadence, a gift passed down from generations. The lurid history of Kenvil’s family is interesting in itself, but some knowledge of it is also essential for understanding the recurrence in his poetry of themes of social climbing. Kenvil Atkins was born in the small Hamlet of Micoud, the 2nd son of the 5 children of Gonzague and Sylvestina of Micoud, Kenvil began writing poetry long before he was sent to school, he used writing as a way of taking his mind from his troubles. One aspect of his method of composition was set, too, while he was still a boy: he would make up phrases or discrete lines as he walked, and store them in his memory until he had a proper setting for them. As this practice suggests, his primary consideration was more often rhythm and language than discursive meaning. At the age of 40 his first volume of poetry, Timeless Poetry, and Short Stories was the major part of the volume, although it also contained poems. It is a remarkable achievement for so young a poet, displaying great virtuosity of versification and the prodigality of imagery that was to mark his later works; but it is also derivative in its ideas, many of which came from his reading in his grandfather’s library. Few copies were sold, and there were only two brief reviews, but its publication confirmed Kenvil’s determination to devote his life to poetry.
KENVIL’S POETRY OASIS AND YOU: Whispering Voices Poems, volume 8, Kenvil Atkins Lewis Poetry Oasis, the voice of the poet means a lot of things to a lot of people. Reading a poetry book makes me feel good all over, takes me to distant shores, keeps me wanting for more, yes I know that is poetry." the poet uses everyday words to inspire just like the Artist uses paint to bring out the masterpiece on his canvas, try as hard as you want my Timeless poetry volumes cannot be defined. There are as many definitions of poetry as there are of poets. For example, William Wordsworth defined poetry as "the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings. Yes, Longfellow was one of my favorite poets.
"Poetry can make you laugh or cry or yawn, it can make your whole body shiver while doing nothing." Some poets Carefully select words for conciseness and clarity standards, but sometimes poets go well beyond this, consider such poem another of my favorites “ The Charge of the Chosen Twenty” word's emotive qualities, backstory,? musical rhythm, tone of destruction, even its spatial relationship to world events. The poet Kenvil Atkins Lewis through innovation in both word choice and form seemingly rends significance from thin air
Introducing the poet Kenvil Atkins Lewis's poem “ Natural Mystic,” the relevant message in his composition is all the beauty, truth wisdom of the real world and that is all one needs to know."Poetry can come out as old, frail, new, and cerebral. Is stronger and fresher than you think. The poet's imagination will break those chains faster than you can say "Play it again Sam." All of this and more can be found in my latest volume eight of Whispering Voices Poems, a series of Timeless Poetry that keeps you on your toes. Don’t attempt to define my poetry.