Story of JimSila
Jagadish B.
Operations, FM soft services specialist, Recruitment, Preopening exp. of Airport Terminal, Retails, Restaurants, Lounges.
JimSila?(Love, Slice of Life)
Sitting on the bench, Jim recalls, that when he was 8 years old, it was the morning time and he walked past the sesame Street on the way to Omega park where he's going to meet his buddy to play police and thief, he has seen a little girl with snot smiling and filling a tea for the customer on her tea stall while her mother was serving freshly baked hot pancakes to the customers. Her name was Sila, that's what Jim heard when her friend Ana called in her food stall when her friend has come to buy pancakes.
Jim was 24, he was working at the law firm and he got a message, he checks it and he's full of smile because that message was from Sila, the same snotty kid from back then. He has asked her for a date and indeed she has replied that she'll come to the Omega Park by 2 PM. Jim remembers that it's been 12 years that he has been friends with her.
Jim was 67, sitting at the same Omega Park which is not like the grandeur one that he had proposed back then to Sila, he recalls that it was his 40th marriage anniversary with his wife Sila but unfortunately, she was not there with him to celebrate that moment with him. Because last year Sila passed away leaving him alone in this cruel world.
Suddenly a football comes to his foot, looking at the football, a boy around 10 years old with a beautiful smile comes to him asking, "Grandpa pass me the ball. Why did you come earlier today?"
Jim forgets to reply to his questions and was in deep thought, yeah Sila, you've given me the greatest treasure in the world. Even though I don't know when I'll be joining you in the otherworld, first let me spend some quality time with our grandson. I know you're looking from above right, jealous of me spending time with our little grandson, hehe. Jim looks over to the sky and speaks outwardly, 'Hehe, you should look forward to hearing the story of my time with our grandchildren to you when I'll leave this world. That'll be my first gift to you in the other world.'
Kid asks, "gramps are you okay? Why are you muttering while looking at the sky?". Jim replies looking dotingly at his grandson, "One day when you'll get old like me, you'll have your stories too and then you'll understand. Let's play now". Jim hits the ball back to his grandson and stands up from the bench.
Amateur Writer, Story Teller, Jagadish Bidari