The story I The battle of?acting…
Do you see the woman in the photo? How I wish I could be that woman forever. Most people will be surprised now. “You’re the actress in the picture, aren’t you?” Yes, those are my blue eyes, but that smile…and the reason of the Hack?point
Have you ever wondered how to get a real connection? How can a human touch a heart with love? sincere love? And what does it feel like to really be at home? Perhaps these are questions that every reader has already answered.
This writer, however, has never experienced that connection. The great thing about being an actress on stage is that you can touch people with a story. Thus, it is also magic to touch a heart through words in writing. Through my books or articles. However, most people in society are looking for information that can assist with business, money, or political discussions. The reason is that little time is left for human connection through our hearts. If the heart were to respond to society, something unique would take place. A shift in society. Everyone says they want peace in society. However, how much peace is there in ourselves? How much peace do we have, one after the other?
Linkedin has been the only social platform of mine with my real name. And where I have also built up a network at home and abroad with exceptionally great people. You do not share reports about human rights on a platform such as Instagram or Facebook. If you really want to build a strong team and connect organizations, Linkedin is a platform full of people who have the will to create a better society. And to set up a good business so that there is more employment. However, right now I see a lot of screaming about the same news. How loud should a person scream?
After my car accident, I literally screamed out loud from the intense pain and sadness of all the years.
After I got out of the hospital, I wasn’t stable yet. My memories were vague flashbacks. And my body felt weird, just as weird as I felt when I woke up from the coma years ago. It’s a story you wouldn’t normally share. But now, after years, I do it anyway. After some weird acting and some singing, too ridiculous for words, But hey, most of them gave me roses and apparently liked it. So why not? In our funny 3D world, anything to make any audience happy is welcome. Especially when your own happiness is hard to find.
You are not reading a story about your average actress. This actress has even had to act for a long time to push herself. to go back to a position I eventually don’t even want anymore. And the weirdest thing about the story of my life is… for what? When I look in the mirror, I ask myself. “Who are you acting for?” Do you know Neville Godard? “Are you being pushed out by everyone?”And of course, I am someone who has studied universal law and not just international law. As a fan of Nikola Tesla, maybe I should have done it differently?
Back after that night at the beach. During the day, I tried to climb a mountain. I was so mad at myself that I got into a car accident. And I tried with all my might to find myself again. However, the climbing did not go as planned. Finally, I reached a certain height, and I was proudly looking at the beautiful view. However, I had very bad balance and I became dizzy. Eventually, I fell off that mountain. When I awoke, it was already dark. And I was totally upset and scared. In fear, I walked into the bar where I had sung. And I quickly looked through my phone. Obviously, my health had deteriorated. and had gone to the sea in a total panic. From the sea, you had a beautiful view after a cross. For hours, I sat in the sea staring at that cross, praying, screaming, and everything went through me. It was truly one of the worst nights of my life. because I walked further and further into the sea. Because of the screaming, I didn’t even notice how icy cold the water was in the middle of the night. It was the end of October in Spain.
Suddenly, I heard screams from the beach. It was the owner of a bar where I had sung. A wonderful man who now had to watch the badly singing actress scream and cry in the sea. At the same time, I myself was shocked by how far I had actually come into the sea. How could I not even notice? How strong were my emotions that I didn’t feel the icy water in my bones? At the same time, I saw that my backpack was already in the water. Then I couldn’t find it anymore. That was my phone! My only means of communication with my home in the Netherlands. My wallet My passport Everything was in it. At that point, I had become even angrier and more anxious. Now I wasn’t just recovering from a car accident and all the stress. Now I am also in a foreign country without a telephone and all the other important things. And no more car with which I could return to the Netherlands.
In my private life, I have had a very withdrawn life. Since my best friend left for another country, since my father passed away, and so many other circumstances, Why would you choose to experience more pain up close? However, at that moment in the sea, I certainly felt very alone and anxious. In any role, the strong woman in “theatre play.””actress,” “model,” or “Human-rights advocate”The woman was now a mermaid without a tail in the sea. I saw more and more people looking into the distance after the woman in the sea. The people’s gaze made me hardly dare to move. The sea was quite strong. My body was exhausted. Little by little, the cold comes closer. closer to my bones. It was definitely just a few bones. For months, I hardly ate.
As I wrote in my previous article, The moment I put all my suitcases in the car in the Netherlands and started driving Was it just an emotionally painful rollercoaster? I was irritated by how many people were engaged in a game. And phew, the political scene from the last time I spoke. My hometown didn’t felt like “my city”. They talk about dog shit and building a bike path! No time for priorities. Health, human rights. Children’s rights! womanrights! It had been a meaningful adventure to dance among the political figures again.
I already sense in advance whether people take something seriously or not. The reason I go on and on about akashic records and the pineal gland!Is there anything more enjoyable than playing the game?
I watched them from a distance in the hallway. while they’re all drinking beer. to my surprise, by the way. I don’t drink alcohol myself, but I think it’s fine if someone else does. However, my question is Is that tax money? Oh, it doesn’t matter. Coffee does not wake them up in this society. Everyone has their own profession/hobby in society. and may even think he is doing the right thing.
It is now years later. But the moment I stood in the sea, there were flashbacks of painful moments in my life. And I started screaming louder than ever. A woman who has known since the coma that we live in an “illusion”. After all, everything is energy. And I know without a doubt that I am more than my body. My energy is bigger than my body. But the moment I was in the sea, I could clearly feel my body, the pain.
Is it the purpose of our bodies to only experience pain? As you have already read previous in my articles.
Finally, an elderly man entered the sea. He took me out of the sea. I’ve been thinking for months. Wait a minute.. a whole crowd on the beach? And a man of about seventy takes me out of the sea? That man is a hero. But at the same time, I wonder what the point of it was. Maybe I should have sunk better. Obviously, the geek had long been ingrained in society and may have become obsolete.
There I lay on the beach, shivering ice cold from the water. and still screaming. With a frightened look, I stared after a police officer. This woman looked like my sister. That was an extra pain for me at the beach. Police officers stood around me.
Incidentally, it is a different story in Spain than in the Netherlands. It is not only the local police but also the Guardia Civil, or if you are lucky, there is Also, international police. Anyway, Enough security! After all, I am dutch!
The ambulance was on its way. While people were arguing, I heard someone say, “Is that Yvonne?” After a few minutes, I felt someone grab my hand and the man stared into my eyes. A moment I will never forget. It was a man who had watched me sing in the bar for weeks. I could hear the man say to the police. “No, Yvonne does not drink alcohol.” Apparently they were talking about my condition. No one knew that I had also fallen off a mountain that day and was disoriented. I looked into the distance to see that the owner of the bar where I had been singing was also talking to the police. “ Yvonne, the actress who sings badly and wants a lot of hot chocolate with whipped cream. And before she leaves she wants two cups of chamomile tea” That’s probably something the police had never heard before. But yes, I am still drinking chocolate milk and chamomile tea every day to survive. Since my departure from the Netherlands.
My body started to shake and I was really getting colder. For the first time, I had no idea what would happen in my next chapter. I could only think: Why did I ever wake up from that coma? However, my life has never been the same. Most people really have no idea what you’re going through. The nights you lie awake. PTS. Yes, a few letters that mean nothing to someone else. And with which you are still trying to function.
The man even arranged a warm blanket for me before the ambulance came. And I had no idea who that mystery man was at the time. In the hospital, I was quickly stripped of my clothes and poked. And things were injected into me. No idea! The nerd is not a doctor. In the end, I was admitted for a while. And I was prescribed medication. In the end, I came back with shame. And wonderen. who it that mysterious man who assisted me? I ended up dating him for more than two years. Unbelieveable. An older man? How could I say no to Superman? And I was also very scared. The first weeks and months were the hardest. I can even remember that we went to drink coffee on a terrace on the beach. I stared out to the sea as he got the coffee at the bar. At that point, I had so many flashbacks that I ran away from the beach. I run in the middle of the street! Blinded! Run to the apartment and I took a shower with my clothes! to calm myself down. It was this man who assisted me through the first months. And I will never forget that. But there were also many questions I had. You know, I’ve been with this mysterious man for a long time. Now it comes My name is Yvonne, and I am the woman who writes books and tell the people! Book the course “Activate photographic memory.” But at the time of all this happening, I couldn’t remember a lot of things.
How funny it is when someone asks me what to hack! I still can’t even hack myself. My computers have the passwords. NO IDEA! My emergency phone! No idea! Business in the Netherlands: some emails! No idea! I ignore some things because it’s too much for me. How did I do some posts then? Now comes the fun. It was a pleasant surprise for me too! The things I discovered about myself! It Turns out I’m a real NERD! I have memory sticks with things, I even have photography work, etc., enough for years to come! In other words, I did a lot of preparatory work before I got into the car and left the Netherlands.
The rest of the information is probably on the other sticks. who had fallen into the water. It turns out that I had stored and secured a lot of information in terms of protection. Anyway, This is the reason, dear ones, that a switch has taken place. So why did I post anyway? Well, I remember being so strong in a certain role. and wanted to hold on to a role that made me strong. By taking on the strongest role, I hoped for a faster recovery. That I would soon be able to remember things. However, it didn’t work. Sometimes all the stress just makes it worse. Last year around this time, I even got my hands on a book to do memory games! Serious! It is a book that an organization in this village distributes to the elderly with alzheimer or something. In the summer, I sat in front of the house with that book. And also, coloring like a little girl! Mandela’s coloring is a good technique. In the end, I really found a strong force after another hospitalization around the summer. I was so fed up! I have performed the techniques of hypnosis on myself. It apparently worked pretty well. As you can see, I have found the strength to leave that man and live in a hotel.
You know, dear people, to me, life feels so strange. And even so, unreal. It’s like I actually walk through this society as a ghost. I’ve been alone in a hotel room for over 35 days now. And yesterday, my ex said via Whatsapp, “I want to take care of you. Come back”. But that’s not how life works. I’m not that old. And I have all the tools and all the knowledge to be able to restore my life. After all, everything is energy, right? Anyway, read my previous story about that battle. And that story is also the reason that I might make a different choice. This week I’m going to talk to doctors. which is always so weird to me at the same time. The people in the outside world are an illusion. The reason is that I also dared to pull out all the stops as an actress. Sing in public! Who cares? Everything is a big illusion. But at the same time, this matrix feels very real, through our own past, present, and future. The game that our own energy plays with us By not living every moment with our thoughts in the present, If every man lived in the present and with his heart full of love, Wouldn’t there be another society then? If yesterday didn’t matter anymore, Then I would be happy. extremely happy! Namely, if I could travel back in time, which is actually possible according to some sources, Since, of course, everything is an illusion. Everything is energy. Lucid dreaming form of playing with your energy. I can’t say it all very well. My thoughts are moving very fast, dear ones. At the same time, I wonder if I should write my story for what purpose? It’s not for my audience. This is for a few people dear to me. and who may not get the chance to speak to me again. My health is just not optimal. Of course, it is not healthy for a person to go through many traumatic events without a safety net. Because, dear readers, I also want to thank the man who looked after me at the time.We have also had a very difficult time together since the lockdown. That man is 20 years older than me. Don’t tell this to my father in heaven. Or who would he approve? Oh Dear! But perhaps my father had long been happy that his little girl was not alone in life. My father has been able to watch from a distance all these years. What a disappointment I must be to my father.
Of course, that relationship doesn’t last with a man who is years older. and has a completely different outlook on life. I tried it out of respect. And the thought, “Yeah, maybe it’s time for a nerd to get into a relationship.” The woman who never wants to date because of that bad experience from the past. The woman who prefers to sit with her nose in a book Until you learn about the wonderful world of akashic records,
There is still so many nd experiences, traumas which I don’t explain through writing. The bottom line is that sometimes there may be no more room for me in this world. That’s been my thought for a long time. A thought I also discussed with my doctor last year. The Netherlands is no longer an option for me. In Spain it is so difficult sometimes to put things into words. Sometimes writing is all I can do. And it’s like I’m talking to the void. Just like the emptiness around me. Every morning I wake up “Why?” The theater game should be played on the internet, in the Spanish village? Without that there is really a theater where an old actress can play? The only thing I might have been good at?
I may be writing this article because I don’t want to play the game anymore.
And perhaps some now understand why I say, “I can’t do it anymore.”
And I’m going to be completely honest. The reason is that you can still book me as a speaker or for shows. Deep down, I know that no one is booking now. Certainly no one who books a woman who wants to give a completely different twist to their eternal struggle for human rights.
If I’ve learned anything in all these years, And that’s the reason I always wanted to give training on universal rights. If you are not open to the universal laws, the law book will never be used properly.
Words have power.
Everything is energy.
The reason I found the strength to pack my bags and move into a hotel It’s scripted.
Every day I said out loud, “I’m leaving you!” And I’ve been visualizing that I bought the suitcases. Everything happened as I visualized it.
Sometimes we also visualize fear — it just happens. Anyway, It’s not always about right or wrong. It is the human being who thinks that everything should be pigeonholed.
I don’t want to hurt my ex or anyone or anything. Even the people who have hurt me immensely. Or still hurt? I’d rather not participate in that game of anger. There is no one in the world who can hurt me as much as I hurt myself.
When I think about everything in my life, Who hurt Yvonne the most? Is it Yvonne? Yes, Yvonne. I am honest with myself. But I also know why that happened. The background stories that play out How a little girl grows up By the way, how do we all grow up in a society in which we are constantly criticized and think that we are not good enough?
As a nerd, I wanted to know everything or understand people. especially myself. The reason for my existence. The reason I survive so much ND. And why am I still breathing in a society full of people who don’t even notice me? Not even like a wallflower in a painting.
Many people participate in some kind of role-playing be better than someone else. I know better. Gosh, will there be people who read this and think “haha, hihi”? Or “she has dementia.” Haha hihi
Everyone has a negative opinion about someone else.Included are the times when I notice a negative thought looming ahead of another:lives in the box. stuck in the box of this 3D matrix. It’s says nothing about the other person, but a lot about ourselves.
The world is a mirror. A learning process A theater playWe are all the poppets in which we play all the roles. From Artist, untill spectator.
It’s not always easy. But my gut feeling tells me that it’s the truth.As many people have already stated.As a result, I’ve done a lot of experiments and can write a lot more now.However, a book is nothing more than a dusty product in the midst of the future.The digital age will bring about change.
I’m trying to show a new Yvonne to my 9300 followers on LinkedIn. The platform is full of business connections. A platform where most people know me as the private researcher. The woman who strives for human rights How willing is man to accept the transformation of a person? 9300 people who strive for justice, a human right. I feel the energy of those people. Their sense of powerlessness, stress, and the will to win More and more Dutch people are joining my network. That feels good. But at the same time, I feel a huge distance from my home country. These people are working on things that I have been very busy with in recent years. However, since the car accident, my eyes are wide open. My view of society differs from that of the average citizen.
But I can’t deal with it anymore. I rely on the expertise of others. And from the people I’ve worked with for years. The great groups which, as I discussed in my previous article, I no longer speak. Whistleblowers don’t have it easy in life. Anyway, I have my own battle with my health. Did you have a day on February 26th? Not me, a miracle? Have I been writing for 24 hours? Time is then really an illusion. I don’t get it, and I can’t ask anyone. I barely left my hotel room. To be honest, I’m afraid to walk the streets alone. Last year, I remembered a moment when I didn’t recognize my own street. where I had lived for a long time. I reported this and other incidents. That’s probably why I got my hands on the book of games for “memory problems.” I don’t know, I can’t remember it all perfectly. If someone with a certain expertise reads it, Something that strikes me is that it is mainly during my PMS days.
Somewhere, I have the will to live, the will to regain strength and renew my energies. new script Why does that sometimes work? and sometimes not? Is the ink out? I’m still writing the script. But there I saw nothing manifest. How is it possible? The nosebleeds have also returned for three days. I am an observer. I also like to experiment with the work of Nikola Tesla and emote. However, when you have to continuously monitor health issues, And so the emotional rollercoaster continues. Have you been happy for a long time when you could eat a piece of chocolate and breathe? I have had panic attacks three times a day for the past few days. No one knows or sees it. Because I actually forbade myself from walking out of the hotel room. Before, I was another attraction in the Spanish village. I still live in the Spanish village where my ex’s family lives. My ex left after the bigger city. Anyway, To my surprise, I never saw anyone in this ghost town. Yes, it is very different than in the Netherlands. I still can’t get used to the ghost hours. Between 3 and 5 pm, siesta. For what? Sleeping because of the heat? What heat? It’s 17 or 20 degrees. Anyway, they have their meal and want to sleep. Everyone has their rights. Still weird to me. “ There is no siesta in the Netherlands. And the shops are open until 18.00 without a lockdown.
Well, this is Yvonne’s life in Spain. Now do you get the smile? Or not yet? I think you get it. The question is whether Yvonne still understands it all. I analyze everything and everyone. Why am I sharing this article again? Oh yes, for a few people who are dear to me and may no longer speak. I push the button. Is it going to be online only or on stage? But what if? What if I never get a chance to share the truth? And the precious people in my life never know the truth. However, everything is energy. They could have known for a long time. Read me. Read my energy.Easy. Or not? It’s confusing. It’s like getting stuck in different worlds. The spiritual fight What role is left for an actress? who have no focus at all and who find many things useless. What is the point? from disclosing something?A few words on paper? Is this true?A truth about what? An illusion? Everything starts with nothing. Zero. There is no internet without zero.How can you get through it? Is this the asch experiment? There are some things I remember. So unreal. but no expertise I have come across in this area. I would have loved to have worked out that coma also in detail. That heart monitor Those devices, that loud beep… that have been in my memory for months, maybe years.
This is my constant thought in everything I see, read, and observe.I have questions about everything. And I seriously look with wide eyes and with incomprehension at all things in society. How can a society full of knowledge be in such a mess? And how can I have a feeling that I don’t belong? The world, the outer world, is a reflection of the inner world. And that is directly the answer to my struggle in my inner world. Would the outside world change if I experienced total peace and love in my own heart? How could I have been able to see myself during the coma? Hear the doctors talk? However, how can I still think in my body every morning when I wake up, “How old am I actually?” In all worlds where possibilities exist, Everything is energy. Everything is possible. Everything you could want or who you would want to be, you are already, in essence. All is within. Are we continuously traveling through various illusions? And seriously, I can put all the questions here in the article. Because the article is so long, most people have already walked out due to a lack of interest in a sister they don’t know. The article doesn’t make them any money in their business. No everyone understands the universal laws. LOA questions. One reads without understanding because of misunderstanding.
I can never articulate it perfectly. And people will never understand my choices because they have not walked in my shoes. However, everyone will form an opinion. Unconsciously or consciously, A conclusion is made based on their own past, present, and thoughts about their future. The story is barely understood because I really just wrote it. This is not an article. 10 tips for better email marketing and then Hey?… all right, read the instructions. This is a real story in writing. What I don’t write without tears. And due to my lack of focus and the pain in my body, I can barely concentrate on a good explanation. I hope this also gives me some peace of mind. Perhaps by sharing it and reading it back from a distance, there will be peace. Knowing that my loved ones may now be able to read the truth? The truth in the matrix? Is there truth in an illusion we all live in? Which reader is telling the truth?Is it an illusion? I am writing this to myself again. How weird is it all? What if my loved one never understood the universal laws? Never going to study the work of Nikola Tesla or emote, etc. How can one ever understand the rollercoaster of my life? Why do I want so badly for some people to know and understand the truth? Is it important in the future? What will the future look like? Would anyone be able to read the Akashic records in the future? Would everyone be on a 5D plane? I do not know! I myself was born at a time when the internet was barely known. And I am told that we live in a solid society. Nobody told me we could play with 99.999999 percent of the empty space.What if 100% should be or should not be?Everything is energy? Everything is light! Those bright lights Do you know? It doesn’t make any sense that it isn’t 100 percent empty space. Everything is complete, and you can recalculate the 369 story.That nine represents the whole, or that you must walk back and forth nine times to achieve success. sorry that the last one is a comment for someone who understands something else. Who is going to read this? OK, I’ll stop writing. My thoughts are racing at lightning speed. However, I am publishing this because, after all, life is an illusion.I don’t care what anyone thinks of me. Maybe I have dementia… and therefore memory problems. Who knows what they’ll get out of my blood this month? * They are going to do research. Well, anyway, maybe I won’t remember later. What does it matter?? Live while you can. And think about life, the experiences. We learn, we grow, and then we all move through energy. The body is a temporary temple. Take care of that temple.
Love and peace
Now, move on the speed of light… no need to follow me. Do whatever you want! Just learn, be happy and joyful. #highvibe
Raise vibration…
The reason why you want to gather so many business partners around you. When a woman goes through a battle herself...