This is a story about a heart and a brick.
This is a story about a heart and a brick. How one man and 22,000 friends changed a nation desperate for change.
Earlier this year I was lucky enough to meet a real life saint called Niall Mellon. His story moved me deeply. His cause and belief inspired me. His compassion and spirit motivated me. The outcome of my 9-month journey is simple. I have become part of the UK charity known as Mellon Educate and along with hundreds of other volunteers will embark on a building blitz trip to the Eastern Cape of Africa in November to help build and refurbish schools for some of the worlds most impoverished children.
You can help plant the bricks of change too. From the comfort of your desk I will plant those bricks for you in return for a small donation. All the backbreaking work, lifting, carrying, painting and so forth I will endeavor to do on your behalf. Even a small donation of just £5 can change the lives of hundreds of children who dream of becoming Doctors and Lawyers, but without education it will remain just that…a dream.
Just follow the link
Read this humbling story and please share this with your friends and contacts.
#action2015 /
Read the back story on Niall Mellon, the township trust and his new mission to educate over 100,000 of the most impoverished children of Africa.
In 2002 a big-hearted Irishman stepped across a road that led to a poverty stricken township in the Cape of South Africa. The squalid living conditions Niall Mellon saw moved him deeply. 10 years later, with the collective help of more than 22,000 amazing volunteers, the local community and the South African government Mellon and friends have:
- Built 25,000 homes
- Transformed the lives of 125,000 people
- Mobilised 22,000 volunteers to participate in Building Blitz projects in the townships of South Africa
- Fundraised and managed over ï¿¡160m
- Radically changed the South African housing policy
In 2012, following an inspiring meeting with Nelson Mandela, Niall Mellon started planting bricks rather than laying them. He knew that by building schools, providing mentoring and teacher support, he would lay the seeds of growth and prosperity for the children of Africa.
To date Mellon Educate has managed to:
- Build and refurbish five schools
- Train and mentor dozens of teachers
- Help over 4,500 children
- Raise pass rates from 20% to 75%
The work has only just started. The UK arm of the Mellon Educate charity was formed earlier this year. The goal for 2015 is to get 100 volunteers to be part of the first ever schools building blitz from the UK. These 100 ambassadors, of which you could be one, will be the brick starters to inspire us to mobilize 500 volunteers in 2016 and 2,500 in 2017.
If we reach our 2017 target it will be the UK's largest ever one week trip of volunteers. Just think of the lasting impact we can make to the children of Africa if we work together to help achieve this. It’s a story you will want to tell your own children.
Just follow the link