The story heard and retold: Teacher
Milita Haldar
An educationist by heart~Scaling up Literacy with ALfA~Senior Program Manager
Teacher the word that has evolved with time. The duties and functions that have so often changed and changed. The word that brings with it respect and scorn mixed in as a cocktail. If you are a teacher then that's the sweetest and the bitterest drink that you have to gulp down every day. So each teacher with different attribute brings a different flavour to the classroom. So let's figure it out.
The oomph Teacher: If you are {only} a good-looking teacher then (I know...we all did that) then be ready for an all 'detailed' (think what you thought then) attention. The class waits for not to be taught but to be caught.
Scene 1: Mam: Why are you cheating? (slams the child)
Student: Mam once more. (a request for another hit)
Teacher: (slams her feet walks off in disgust)
The Strict Teacher: The teacher if has good command on the subject (then well and good) is both welcomed and hated. The teacher is ushered in with awe and a grunt. The class is divided one who likes and one who dislikes.
Scene 2: Sir: (The teachers enters)
Students: Goooood Morning Mam
Sir: Good Morning Children, Please sit down.
Students: (The sitting down posture will tell those who love the class, who hate it).
The Story to be continued...