The story of having great dreams
Noi Ha Nguyen
B2B sales expert who won many multi-million-dollar deals to the global adventure with connecting and interviewing over 1100 leaders in 80 countries in 3.5 years to demonstrate the power of curiosity & creativity.
Follow your dream. Have dreams. Big dreams. That’s probably what you and I heard a lot in our lives. We know how amazing people built great things by pursuing their dreams. Their stories are so inspiring and motivating. But few of us really spend time thinking about our dreams. What dreams do you have? I’ll share my own story today.
Years ago, on my way home, I stopped by the Fahasa bookstore on Nguyen Hue Street and picked up a book by the name “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There” written by Marshall Goldsmith. I didn’t know him before that. After reading a few pages, of course buying it was no doubt. That night, I had my moment of change. I read it through and wrote many notes for me to think about later. The next day, I went back to the bookstore very early, bought all his books for me to read later. I left the bookstore with about 50 copies of “What Got You Here Won’t Get You There”. That morning, I signed every single one of them and gave them out to the people I loved. My colleagues, my friends, my clients, and of course my wife and children. There was a very successful gentleman I admired so I gave him one. He looked at me and told me that he’s too busy and might not have time to read it. He suggested giving it to someone else who might find useful. I insisted and told him to keep that as my gift and read whenever he wanted to.
On that very day, a new and bold dream came to my mind. I wanted to talk to Marshall Goldsmith. I wanted to know more about him, his family, his life, his journey, and the work that he is doing. So, I followed him on social media. I watched his videos and read his books. I didn’t have my chance to interact with Marshall yet, and from time to time, I questioned my dream. Is it real? Who am I to talk to the world #1 executive coach and the bestselling author for many times?
Then the global pandemic hit. Having tea one evening, my wife and I sat down together and started asking each other how we could help people around us in this challenging time. That night we formed the #InsightsSharing’s idea. We could help by spreading great stories of real people, amazing people around the world. We wanted to share the journeys that make them great so people can learn and find something useful to apply in their lives. Two days later, we got our first interview. It was planned for one amazing lady famously known in the HR industry in Vietnam. Two hours before the interview, she dropped me a message asking to reschedule. What a start. Within those two hours, my former leader agreed to help. Joining from Thailand, she kicked of our journey of interviewing and sharing great stories that we didn’t know months later, my dream came true too.
In our first month, we were able to interview 100 people in many industries, with different areas of expertise, in different countries. Then my dream of talking to Marshall grew bigger and bigger each day. Put aside doubts and worries, I sent him my first email asking if we could connect to share his amazing stories with others. He was busy writing his newest book back then, so he needed to stay focused. A good thing about his response was that he likes the idea of what Vivian and I are doing and he will participate later. And we had our wonderful chance to interview Marshall a few months later. Amazing man.
Then another bold dream came up. We wanted to meet him in person. And in two days from today, we are meeting him for the first time. Not only we could meet him, but he also wants us to make the best of his Saturday. All day! Could you believe that?
Here’s the thing. Dream. Learn how to dream. Then learn to dream bigger. Then have more dreams. And the universe is having its ways to help you to accomplish it. Just like the stories that Vivian and I are having.
Back to the stories of that leader who told me he didn’t have time to read. Early this year, I was shocked seeing his management team shared on their social media that their boss gave them this book to read. He even had time signing each one of them. I made a quick call and asked him about that. His response was astounding.
“If I read it on the day you gave it to me, Ha, my journey to today could be a lot better. Not only that but the journeys of people under my leadership could also be a lot better. It costs me my good time and I don’t want my team to have that same experience”. That was what he told me on the phone. And I am happy for him and his employees. He is now having different dreams, big one I believe.
For the woman wanted to reschedule our interview. She went on and had another interview with someone else that day, at that very same time we originally scheduled. We never had our talk with her. And I know I am ok with it. And I know she is ok with it too.
So, what is that you are dreaming to do?
Executive and strategic leadership team advisor, coach and author of “Executive Ownershift, Creating Highly Effective Leadership Teams”.
1 年Wonderful image Noi Ha Nguyen!