Patrick Oseloka Ezepue
UX Researcher | Former Professor of Statistics & Business Analytics
User Centred Research and Design, Statistics, Stochastic Modelling in Business and Finance, Data Science, Business Analytics, Digital Marketing, Entrepreneurship and The Digital Economy, The Pedagogy of Mathematical Sciences, Global Corporate Academicism
AfriWorld Higher Education and Research Observatory, UK | Oselux Analytics Limited UK
Tel: +447772632150; Email: [email protected]
In the original version of this article, we announced the Professor Solarin International Valedictory Conference detailed below. In this version, we augment the original ideas with some illuminating conversations about meeting and dominating global publishing standards, which will apply to the papers that will be published in a Special Issue of the AfriWorld Journal of Mathematical Sciences in Honour of Professor Solarin. We also inform prospective authors that following the Valedictory Conference, in addition to papers already submitted for presentation, there will be a three-month window in which papers can still be accepted for publication in the Special Journal Issue mentioned above. Hence, submissions are ongoing until 30 June 2024.
‘It is our pleasure to inform you that His Grace, Professor Bishop A R T Solarin is about to retire this year at 70 and we are convening an International Valedictory Conference in his honour. Prof Solarin is Professor of Mathematics, former DVC Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, former Director/CEO and currently UNESCO-NMC Chair of Mathematics, National Mathematical Centre, Abuja, Nigeria. He has primary research interests in Algebra and Statistics, especially Statistical Consulting and Quality Management Systems. Among his myriad and globally recognised achievements are a relentless capacity to originate, fund-drive and execute projects with profound impacts at different educational levels, equipping teachers with modern pedagogical skills, raising prodigiously gifted secondary school students, enabling them to secure?scholarships to Ivy League universities through his family’s IAGifted NGO, organising African and World Mathematics Olympiads in which Nigerian contingents excel, leading to his recognition as COMSAT Distinguished Professor of Mathematics’.
His Grace, Prof Bishop Solarin is Professor of Mathematics, former DVC Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, former Director/CEO and currently UNESCO-NMC Chair of Mathematics, National Mathematical Centre, Abuja, Nigeria. He has primary research interests in Algebra and Statistics, especially Statistical Consulting and Quality Management System. Among his myriad and globally recognised achievements are a relentless capacity to originate, fund-drive and execute projects with profound impacts at different educational levels, equipping teachers with modern pedagogical skills, raising prodigiously gifted secondary school students, enabling them to secure?scholarships to Ivy League universities through his family’s IAGifted NGO, organising African and World Mathematics Olympiads in which Nigerian contingents excel, leading to his recognition as COMSAT Distinguished Professor of Mathematics.
Professor Solarin actively supports the two-decade work in AfriWorld Higher Education and Research Observatory UK, to train Global Corporate Academics who are the most potent change agents in the firmaments of global higher education.
He maintains a deep faith in an ecumenical Christian life that values all humanity and extends fairness, kindness, peace, and love to all. He is Co-Chair of the International Advisory Board for the International Centre for Research and Human Development, Dominican University Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria,, which we founded in 2019 as a seat-bed for exceptional innovations in the four main areas of the core higher education business - research, integration of knowledge, applications, and teaching - ?fondly known as the RIAT Fabric in Higher Education. The Board is an august body of thought leaders across academia, public services, industry sectors and wider society, the Global Q-Helix, who are beacons of light and integrity in line with the Oselux Vision.
It is a huge honour for me to be selected as the Keynote Speaker in the Valedictory Conference, by the Organising Committee of the Conference ably led by Professor Olusola Adeniran, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. I will say a lot more about Professor Solarin in that paper, especially as regards revamping African Higher Education in line with the Oselux Vision.
I don’t know if it is enough ‘little secret’ to gratefully say that well before I was intimated about the details of this valedictory conference, Professor Solarin had accepted to serve as Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Governing Council of The International Graduate Open University, a Graduate University for Advanced Research and Enterprise Development which breathes the Oselux Vision and will debut in 2025, and as Foundation RIAT Professor in the university’s Graduate Schools of Advanced Multidisciplinary Studies as well as Statistics Actuarial Science and Information Modelling.
Aiming to become by far the world’s leading graduate open university in all spheres of its engagements, this university is the culmination of all Oselux digital educational platforms at, complete with a profoundly innovative AfriWorld Publishing System, This system is designed to alleviate current tyrannies of traditional academic and global publishing of journal papers, research monographs, and textbooks, whereby global publishing firms extract multiple rents from long-suffering academics, authors and universities, whilst paying paltry royalties to them, a menace that is only partially addressed by Amazon Publishing for books, but regrettably not for journal papers.
Again, feel free to submit papers from all Mathematical Sciences in honour of this towering giant who we are ever so fortunate to have in our midst. Whilst all papers submitted to the conference will be generally thoroughly edited for publication in the Proceedings of Professor A R T Solarin International Valedictory Conference, papers further developed in line with Ezepue (2022) The Common Structure for Writing Highly Publishable Papers,, will be edited for publication as full journal papers in a Special Issue of the AfriWorld Journal of Mathematical Sciences in Honour of Professor A R T Solarin at The following vignette further illuminates the nature of this journal and AfriWorld Journals in general.
Esteemed Prospective Authors,
The remits of AfriWorld Journal of Mathematical Sciences are all mathematical sciences – Mathematics, Statistics, Computing, Physics, Economics, and Related Fields - for example, Mathematical and Statistical Finance. To fully develop applicable markers of innovation in the Ladder of Contributions to Knowledge contained in the underpinning Research Methods Canvas? at, papers should be submitted to
The Managing Editor, AfriWorld Journal of Mathematical Sciences
Email: [email protected].
The papers must be written as requested in the Valedictory flyer above and in line with the guidelines in The Common Structure for Writing Highly Publishable Papers, Please see more guides at Journals (
We had planned to hold a series of workshops to introduce the manifestly radical Structure to academics. This is because we think that traditional academics may struggle to meet the demands of an educational and publishing system that aims to lift Africa and developing out of poverty in a decade.
We would like to note that authors of papers for the Solarin Valedictory Conference do not have to publish their papers in the AfriWorld Journal of Mathematical Sciences if they don't intend so to do. They simply need to accept that their papers come out in the Proceedings of His Grace Professor Adewale Roland Tunde Solarin International Valedictory Conference. Hence, only those who wish to undertake the additional intellectual work of finessing their papers in line with the above mentioned AfriWorld Publishing Guidelines, will have their papers published in this avant-garde journal. It is difficult to convey the power of these journals until they are released.
We empathize with authors who may feel that they want their papers in legacy journals which their universities rate highly for their promotions, but we have since passed that league of conventional publishing. Therefore, AfriWorld Journals, though nascent, are about Transforming and Democratizing Global Higher Education to profoundly surpass current standards and eradicate current inequities in academic and global publishing. This is a vision which Professor Solarin and I, supported by others who share the Oselux Vision, are currently fulfilling.
‘A Vision to transform and democratise global education and change
The Oselux Vision is To Live a Spirit-Led, Project-Based Life, Transforming and Democratising Global Education and Change, By Continually Up-skilling Global Citizens, Teams, Organizations, Countries, and Continents, Creating Innovative Products, Services, Digital Firms, Wealth, Jobs, Enhancing the Peace, Prosperity, Joy, and Happiness of Individuals and Countries, Especially Nigeria, Africa, and Developing Countries?of the Global South, and Publishing the Ideas Through Multimedia Channels Across the Q-Helix.
We live this vision in creating arguably the world’s most innovative publishing system which puts equal emphasis on excellent Research, Integration of Knowledge, Applications, and Teaching – the RIAT spheres of the core higher education business. For this purpose, we design all publications – superbooks, research monographs, newsletters, conference proceedings, and journal articles – to enable readers and learners to become more creative than possible with traditional publications.
The publications are, therefore, informed by the steps in the Research Methods Canvas? below, originated to simultaneously make all academic subjects research and enterprise development units prepare prospective authors for this game-shifting endeavour’.
‘Why are our journals, superbooks, and research monographs world-beating?
In addition to the above quality markers, our inimitable excellence in publishing rests on a unique editing and reviewing system, which operates at more levels than any conventional publishing system currently in existence. This system consists of the below steps.
There was a vigorous debate between Professor M O Ibrahim, Mathematical Modelling, Federal University of Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, my friend and collaborator, and I, about the Great Deception in Modern Academia wrought on unsuspecting traditional academics by such standards as Scopus and Scimago, which I don't feel are fit-for-purpose in gearing up higher educational institutions for integral excellence and high societal impact.
I am convinced that clearly gameable publishing standards which rely on academics citing or not citing other authors' works, irrespective of whether the papers translate to felt values in the real-world, is a puerile and wrong model for developing countries. It also accounts for why a country like Nigeria has circa 10,000 Full Professors and at least 50,000 academics in more than 200 universities, who are all busy writing papers in a Publish or Perish rat race, whilst the country remains underdeveloped since sixty-three years after independence. For more details on why a new model is needed, please see Ezepue and Okaro (2023) The Many Faces of Publishing at
For a health warning, the debate with MO, as I fondly call my friend, is pretty emotive and decidedly bare-knuckles, forcing me to account for what true impact should look like and to indicate the kinds of training that must be mounted globally, especially for the benefit of scholars in developing countries, to address the chronic lack of impact of higher education in society - academia, public services, and industry sectors, say. I am tempted to recall one of the flyers for such training below. My main keynote paper will caress some of the ideas in the Global Summit below.
At some point in the said debate, I likened the spectacle of academics writing and counting Scopus-rated academic papers whilst their home countries are retrogressing in socio-economic development, to arranging the decks on a sinking Titanic.
I enjoin you to read the debate in Ezepue (April 2024) The Story of An Unassuming Global Mathematical Scientist, His Grace Professor A R T Solarin With Supplementary Debates And A On Meeting and Dominating Global Publishing Standards,
In calling a truce on and thereby determining that AfriWorld Publishing will identify with the global publishing standards, whilst clearly exceeding them as summarised here, we demonstrate necessary humility required to carry along all scholars in this great journey to transform and democratise global education and change, of which academic publishing is central.
Hence, by the next two months we will have completely retrofitted AfriWorld Publishing with an Open Journal System that automates paper submissions and editing and developed the remits of each journal listed on the website. As we do these, we release guidance notes and calls for papers to be submitted to the various journals.
To reiterate, these journals are deeply corporate academic and hence a radical departure from traditional academic publishing, even when they maintain existing best practices in higher education.
We appreciate immensely Professor M O Ibrahim for playing a devil's advocate that led to such a win-win truce. We also thank all members of the Organising Committee of Professor Solarin’s International Valedictory Conference, whose interests in producing a Proceedings for the conference and a Special Issue of the AfriWorld Journal of Mathematical Sciences for all formally edited papers submitted to the conference within, say, a three-month window, motivates these conversations.