The Story of "Funding Advisory" Company..

The Story of "Funding Advisory" Company..

There are a lot of people saying, “We can get you money.” Sounds lovely to anyone’s ears. The problem? It’s half the truth. They can start by bringing 10-20-50 or in some cases “3000” banks. Wow!! Typically, we refer to these people as loan brokers. They can bring MANY banks to one client and “hope” the funding happens. And when it doesn’t happen, they take you from one bank to another. This process can be lengthy, frustrating and often extremely painful.

Think smart, Act smarter.. be EZFS smart

Now let’s change the approach. A former banker, who is credit trained, has the respect of getting a lot of work done before a deal goes to a bank, increasing the odds of approval, to a remarkably high probability. Do you still need 50 banks or 3000 banks? I don’t think so. You need ONE. You need one bank that will absolutely love the deal because this company or person has pre-underwritten the deal, and given the good, the bad and the ugly to the bank, with all mitigating factors, all upfront.

Then this company starts making believable loan trajectories for SBA lenders, explaining the how-the why, etc. on the deals. Sure, they get on Webex calls with underwriters to explain the flow of the logic behind the numbers. Now the underwriters have the logic, the reasoning, the model, all to support their decision, which usually, at that point, has always been positive, simply because till now, there was no company that did this work. Imagine creating models to support the projections and making life easier for bankers.

The company we are talking is.. EZ Funding Solutions

Then talk about creating an amazing textbook, which we call business plans, that have everything that an underwriter needs, in order to understand each aspect of the business, and then make an informed decision on the loan. 18-20 items on the content page, 30-60 pages with all questions answered. It is a known fact that 10 out of 10 times our business plans have seen a positive outcome.

Particularly since COVID with revenues suffering, bankers were looking for logic. They were looking for assumptions and anything that could help them make better decisions on loans, and that’s if they were lending, because, let’s face it, making decisions on loans was difficult. People were afraid of being out, which reduced consumer spending, which reduced revenues for small businesses, which reduced wages for workers, creating all sorts of problems as this was a vicious cycle. At this time, the founder of EZ Funding Solutions created verticals that could support bankers to help them with the analysis side of seeing deals, with the right logic, and conservative assumptions.

EZFS Business plans are detailed, reliable and loved by Bankers

EZ Funding Solutions is a Business Finance Advisory Company with services such as Business Plans, Business Modeling, SBA Loan Projections, Business Sustainability, and a few other unique services, including Business Loan Consulting.

The Founder, Parag Nevatia, is an Award Winning Business Finance Advisor, a Best Selling Author, recognized Leader in Finance, a Counselor, a Keynote Speaker and a Guest Speaker at College Universities, has been on various Panels, and has been interviewed by, The World Times, 2.0 Conferences in Las Vegas in 2021, 2022 and 2023, Business Connects and a few other organizations. Additionally, his articles have been published in various magazines such as Milltown Living and Princeton Living by Best Version Media, BizIndia.Net, U.S.1PrincetonInfo, and he has been quoted in over 100 trade magazines, all over the past 10 years.

Visit EZFS website now to get more details or event better give us a call 848-667-9289.

How the process works?

Make you Financeable first

present you to the right bank in the first shot

get you the #bestrates

work through the entire #loan process with 75 consulting hours vested in your project

quarterback with 8-15 people touching your loan file

and be on a mission to get you to the #finishline as soon as possible

its our mission to get you across the finish line..

Here's the direction to the funding avenue..

EZFS works hard to create the funding process effortless for you.

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