STORY: The Fabric of Reality (3 of 5)
Christopher Stapleton
Creative Executive Director, Strategist and Research Investigator
Immersive Stories Weaving the Fabric of Reality with the Head, Heart & Hands
The imagination is not meant to be captured, but to be set free! The limits of linear media has conditioned our audiences to sit down, shut up and be quiet while they sit in the dark. All new story conventions are emerging now with immersive media asking the participant to stand up, act, contribute and participate as a group within interactive story worlds. The most critical challenge is to excite the audience's natural abilities for contributing to the story which simultaneously engages the head, hearts and hands. All new possibilities evolve with eXtended Reality (XR) exciting all senses, in all dimensions, in all directions. This exponentially expands the requirements of XR to be able to weave the physical, virtual and imagined worlds into a one reality. As a result, it will expand our ability bring people together and out of isolation with the interplay of story, play and game.
This is the third part of a five part interview by Rick Stone, author of "Story Intelligence," He interviews Christopher Stapleton, Experiential Architect @Simiosys about designing stories beyond words to create new realities for venues of entertainment, education and enterprise. Mr Stapleton shares his experience transcending all media forms and converging the entertainment heuristics of story, play and game. The InterPlay of what we think, feel and do transforms the story experience into a social landscape that taps our ancient traditions of communal story much like a campfire, drum circle or quilting bee.
Click here to enjoy all 5 parts of Rick Stone's interview of Christopher Stapleton