Story of an elephant resolving conflicts using PsychoGeometrics!
Champakvan was a dense forest with rich flora & fauna. It was a home for many different types of animals & birds who were enjoying the peaceful environment of the jungle, until recently! But the whole atmosphere was becoming concerning in the last few months, which made Simha - king of the jungle worried. Hence, he called his friend Gaja (an intelligent elephant) to discuss about it.
Simha said, “Hey Gaja, thanks for visiting. I am really concerned with numerous conflicts emerging among various animals in our jungle recently.
For example, Bhalu (the big bear who was a treasurer of Honey Bank) complained to me that Lambu (a giraffe who was responsible for managing finances) is not able to provide detailed report about last month’s transactions. He is making generic statements such as ‘I don’t need a spreadsheet; I feel things are under control’. How can we run a bank without processes, structures & systems?”.
Similarly, the other day, I was asking all the animals to demonstrate a sense of urgency and work towards the big picture of making our jungle the best managed jungle in the entire region. But when I asked for suggestions, Jenny (a Jellyfish) mentioned that we should conduct Champakvan Art Fest, to demonstrate artistic skills of animals in our jungle. I felt she was completely on a different planet and casual whereas I was focusing on accountability & results to achieve top position for our forest.”
Gaja smiled and said, “Dear Simha, I can see why such conflicts are occurring again and again in our jungle. We need to first understand that different animals (and humans) have different personalities, traits, behaviors and hence their default communication style can also be different. We need to understand that everyone is different, as depicted in this Shloka:
?????? ?????? ??????????? ?????? ?????? ??? ??? |
???? ???? ??????? ??????? ???? ???? ||
Varied is the intellect in different people; varied is the (taste in) water from different sources; varied are the customs for different descents; varied are the speech from different faces.
Let me explain it further using a tool called PsychoGeometrics. It was created in 1978 by Susan E. Dellinger as a communication system featuring five geometric shapes representing five communication styles. It indicates which of the five shape behaviors are your natural strengths and which ones you may find more difficult to use.”
After understanding this Simha said, “Wow, that’s a revelation Gaja! Thanks for sharing information about PsychoGeometrics, which explains why different people or animal communicate in a certain way. It also provides some valuable inputs about how we should communicate with the other personality types (at home or at work), so that we understand each others expectations and align our responses accordingly.”
Simha then conducted a PsychoGeometrics workshop for all the Champakvan animals. It worked as a turning point in Champakvan; enhanced communication among all the animals and resulted in significant drop in the conflicts.
Friends, do you see such different personalities at workplace, home or elsewhere? How do you identify personality / communication style of other person, and more importantly you own preference? What is your approach to work with different personality types and ensure that difference in preferences does not result in conflicts?
PMTantra?- Wisdom through Stories!