Three heirs of Logan

Three heirs of Logan

"I can do things you cannot you can do things I cannot together we can do great things"
_Mother Teresa

The time has gone when dominance and act of cruel superiority along with some rigid ideology were used by the higher authorities at top of the economical pyramid to extract work from the lower or middle chunk of the pyramid where major of the population resides, We are living in the 21st Century, where people have clearly understood that the finest efficiency can't be extracted by those old principles.

Human beings are those creatures who have evolved themselves in all the ages with their curiosity to explore, and exploration is directly linked with the freedom of thoughts, the freedom to express, and cross the limits which are far from their imagination. The era of Covid'19 (Pandemic) had played a major role to break the old patterns and worked as a catalyst to boost this ideology of collaboration over competition.

Now, here is one story which is the best example of how an act of collaborating could lead to a win-win situation.

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Mr. Andrew Logan was a very well-known industrialist, he was very hard-working and passionate, and by his years-long of effort, he had successfully built three factories in his career, he started from nothing and now was running these three factories, but day-by-day went on and on and he grew old, coincidently he also had three sons named as Johnathan, Michael, and Stewart who have grown big, so Andrew has now decided to hand-over his three factories to each to their sons.

Johnathan was handed the factory, which was manufacturing some sort of plastic resins parts that were used in some household plastic products, while Michael was made in charge of the factory which was making bottles and caps, and Stewart was managing the garments production factory, All three brothers had a different approach and way of thinking so they also lead this factory correspondingly.

Johnathan always thought that a strict attitude and dominance over the worker is the only way to get the work done, so Johnathan used to squeeze his workers by giving frightening them to fire and he often used to unnecessarily scold them in order to keep his fear amongst them, the workers who were poor and helpless in order to run their livelihood had to work overtime unpaid for that and Johnathan always use to take an advantage of that, he went on getting rich and bought another factory where he followed the same principles.

On another hand, Michael always used to believe that, money is the solution to all problems, as contradictory to Johnathan, the workers in Michael's factory were very happy as they were paid very high wages more than that of industry standards, and the workers of Michael had hardly communicate with him and as Michael thought that as he is paying such a hefty amount to his workers, Everything should be working fine at the factory, only for a sake of his duty, he hardly makes a visit on monthly basis to his factory, he had assigned a manager who was majorly managing all, but he too doesn't care whether the work is going fine or not. The workers had nurtured an attitude that their work is always dependent on the wages they were paid.

Stewart who was handed the garment factory by his father knew very well that in order to grow high, collaboration was the only way, as compared to Johnathan or Michael neither was he too harsh towards his workers nor do he used to differentiate their workers by hefty wages. That doesn't mean that his workers were unhappy, he used to treat them as if they were part of his family, The workers know their duties very well and are very self-motivated and passionate about their work. Steward had created a space of freedom for them and an environment where ideas and feedback of them were taken into consideration.

Now, one fine day, when there was a boom in the market of plastic, glass, and garment industries, the government had taken a charge of it, there were too many competitors and a lack of workers available in the industry so the government and some giant industries had started taking bulky orders, Due to high demands the market had turned such a polarised that few of the industry owner very loaded with orders and growing so fast while others had to shut down their factory and went bankrupt, the workers where the turn to the key role to their growth.

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Now, Johnathan who was the owner of two factories was facing a major problem as he had all machinery and equipment needed but had a shortage of workers, he had already taken orders on a large basis from his client and had a deadline too, he called all his workers and told that he will not pay any of them if they will not able to complete this orders, many workers were even not paid for since two months, the workers told Johnathan that as per orders it is not possible of all to do, Johnathan told them to do by any hooks or crooks or else he will fire them, Johnathan thought that by doing so he can frighten them and do his work as he uses to do so. But this time the table had turned as the workers knew that they could easily get to some other factories, so they all left Johnathan Factory and Johnathan went into debt as he was not able to complete the orders for which he had been promised ad lose all clients too.

Michael had spent his all earnings on unnecessary costs and had not to funds left for any more equipment or neither could make further investments, as per the shortage of workers the wages of the workers of Michael which were supposed to be the highest in the industry had matched the line of the market as all factory owners were paying the same Michael used to, no Michael had no funds left which he can use to boost the wages of his workers, and as the orders were too high, Michael too need to take more work from his workers but the workers were trained with such a mentality that they could only work more if Michael could increase their wages, Michael was not able to do so and consequently, the workers at Michael's factory too left and Michael as like his brother Johnathan went bankrupt.

Now, Stewart who had adopted the principle of collaborating was earning too much of orders and none of his workers left, in fact, many of the workers wanted to work at Stewart's Factory, Stewart had run a meeting with his workers on the topic, Stewart had asked his workers for any suggestions or ideas so that they can complete orders, workers consider the factory as if it's their own and work collaboratively in order to grow. The workers worked day and night to reach the orders as they consider their prime responsibilities and they knew very well that their growth also depends on the Factory's growth, and finally, they were successfully able to complete it. Stewart's garment went on to expand and workers who were working there for many years and never leave the factory turned out to be the key managerial role in the company, Stewart was turned into a tycoon in the garment industry.

This story is an example that how the power of collaboration could benefit all.


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