The Story of Buridan's Ass
Buridan's ass is fable about a donkey who is both hungry and thirsty when he finds himself standing between a pile of hay and a bucket of water. He just keeps looking to the left and then to the he tries to decide whether he should go for the hay or the water. He's unable to decide which one to go for and he eventually falls over dead from both thirst and hunger.
In real estate there are a million and one ways to build a business. You can take ten different highly successful agents and find that none of them go about the business in the same way. Some generate their business from personal referrals, others cold call, others buy cold leads, others network like crazy, others door knock, others join boards or committees, and the list goes on. The problem is that there are so many options, many agents never just choose one. It's the Buridan's ass dilemma, These agents are frozen by all the options and they never get really good at one.
The secret to becoming a highly successful agent is to choose one or two ways in which you are going to excel when it comes to generating business. Then go master whatever art you choose. Once you become a master you can try adding a new revenue generating art to your repertoire. What Burdian's ass didn't realize is that he could have simply eaten all that hay and then followed that up with a visit to the water trough.
If you are going to master FSBOs and expireds, well go master that before you drop money on Zillow leads. If you are going to door knock neighborhoods, then master that before you go try cold calling. Become exceptional at something and then take on something else. Don't be Buridan's ass who never progresses in one direction because he is equally drawn by the enticing offers all around him.
6 年That crazy Burro looks like me when I make a sales call & the prospect does not let me in. "C'mon Let me In, don't be that way, LET ME IN!" Please I'll be your friend.