The Story of the Blue Scale from 1916
梅特勒 - 托利多 can trace its history back to 1901. Traces of that history can be found in plain sight for anyone who cares to look. This is one unique story. It's about a scale from 1916 that travelled from Toledo, OH to somewhere in Montana and then on to Maumee, Ohio pretty much coming full circle in 106 years. And, here's the kicker: the 5 pounds of coffee currently sitting on the scale measures at exactly 5 pounds, even though it has not been calibrated since the 1930's!
It all started when a coffee shop in Maumee, Ohio reached out to METTLER TOLEDO for details on this scale, used as a display in their store. From the serial number and model number, we could piece together quite a colorful history. Here are a few highlights:
You don't need to be a mechanical engineer to appreciate the complexities of a mechanical scale and how it worked back in the early 1900's without the aid of any software or electronics. And, one more thing that is worth noting, so much of this functionality is still built into our scales today. We still make the most accurate and reliable scales. We are still innovating and getting more patents, just not on Christmas anymore.
Why is this history important? Weighing may not be thought of often, but it is essential. Just about everything gets weighed at some point or another, whether it's during manufacturing, R&D, quality testing, inspection, transportation, or sale. Innovations don't just appear out of thin air. The new offerings within our company rise on the shoulders of the past. For me, it's a sign of strength, durability, and pride to honor our past. It's interesting to think that something we worked on today might still be around 106 years later.
As the Talent Acquisition leader here, I know that job candidates are smart and weigh a lot of factors when considering their career home. This is not just a story of a pretty cool-looking antique scale. It's really a way of saying that a company's history should be one of those considerations alongside culture, work-life balance, and benefits.
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