The story of an abundance mindset...

The story of an abundance mindset...

Once upon a time, there were two business teams trying to shape the future of a young startup named Ensime. Being muddled in thought and unfocused, the crew found it challenging to steer the company towards its aspiration. They had an abundance of resources but struggled to employ an abundance mindset over a scarcity one.

Then, a turning point came during a late-night brainstorming session at 3 am. It was like a brilliant beacon lit up within all of them. They realised that their business story had the potential to add value and that their thinking was awash with an abundance mentality. The team understood that their brand was at the cusp of alignment with the market and capital mechanisms.

This realisation triggered a new wave of advocacy within the team, reinforcing the belief that "anything was possible." A conversation comparing Apple Pay's business model to AirAsia's flourished, and the team saw how aspiration, not money, was the steering wheel of a successful business. They began to build an aspirational brand, integrating it with their mindset mix.

They considered the framework known as 'Adapt the analogy of the seas – The logic of the creator,' which allowed them to shift their conventional approach to business and welcome innovation. Armed with a newfound clarity, they released their limiting beliefs and prepared to embrace a journey toward exponential valuation.

Adopting an abundance mindset, the team began to strategize, focusing more on driving value than on individual roles within the company. They explored the business from a new angle, looking beyond the known, seeing what others couldn't, and understanding the invisible. The team transformed into '3 am people', harnessing the magic the night brought to bring their aspirations into reality.

The teams discarded the traditional business model, building a 'value constellation' into Ensime's new blueprint. They raised the bar by focusing on turning the company into a 'Category King,' setting new standards in the market. Cost was no longer seen as value, but a window to new opportunities offered by corporate finance.

Instilling the abundant mindset in their quotidian dealings, the crew realised that the future of the company was not contingent only on local success but also on its ability to go global. Their vision for Ensime was not region-limited – there was an even grander plan. "Because I stay in South Africa, I am Global," declared one team member, reinforcing Ensime’s commitment to expanding beyond its geographical boundaries.

The story of Ensime became one of resilience and adaptability, a testament to the belief in exponential growth and an abundance mindset. Differentiating between relevance and esteem, the team realised the value of focusing on what they wanted rather than what they had. The corporate finance lens offered a fresh view of opportunities, the feasible was now bankable, and the gamble became an investment.

After a whirlwind of change, the staff at Ensime finally understood the importance of business continuity. As their dream had gained visibility and clarity, they believed in the potential of Ensime, fully aware that nothing was a coincidence. This belief skyrocketed their motivation, and no obstacle seemed too big to conquer.

It became evident that one virtue surpassed all others on the path to abundance – Humility. Despite the exponential growth and the peaks of success, the crew remained humble. They stayed in the moment, celebrated their small victories and exponential growth, and remembered, "Be aspirational, don't give up."

That's the story of Ensime, a tale of two aimless teams that transformed into one focused powerhouse. A startup that braved the tides, weathered the storm and emerged radiating abundance, ready to break the norm and disrupt the industry with its unconventional wisdom and abundance mindset. It's the story of a business that chose to believe in the miracle of possibility against all odds and came out triumphant.

The last line of the story read, “#Mindset , #Aspiration , and #Abundance – these were the pillars of Ensime’s success story.” It was a story that added value and created ripples of change in the world of business – a testament to the exponential power of an abundance mindset.


Country Executive Consultant || Business Dev. || PhD || Board Directorships || Investor || Human Genetics || Pitch Expert || Consumerism || R & D || Dip.Med.Tech (Histopath.) || African Scientific Institute || UNESCO

1 年

Fantastic and unique...


已退休投資家, 目前從事獨角獸農場畜牧業

1 年


David Bouwer - Bid Architect

International Bid Specialist | Helping Businesses Win Across Industries | Expert in High-Quality Tender and Proposal Management

1 年

This is Brilliant Hennie. Thank you for sharing.

Unre Visagie

Business and career growth for cash fun and wealth on the road

1 年



