STORY 8 : 50 Colours of Love

STORY 8 : 50 Colours of Love

.... O, herewith I will set up my everlasting rest, and shake the yoke of inauspicious stars from this world- wearied flesh. Eyes, look your last! Arms, take your last embrace! And lips, O you the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss A dateless bargain to engrossing death!... William Shakespeare

Gomathi and Ved's love story can be compared to Romeo Juliet saga ..Every day was a new day in their life. Gomathi was the emotional one and Ved was the one with a sensitive heart covered in a very hard practical outlook shell. Ved never let his emotions out like Gomathi...

Ved had his own factory on the outskirts of Mysore and Gomathi was working in a big IT firm in Mysore. Though their workplaces were in two different corners of Mysore, it was a daily routine for Gomathi to drive down to Ved's house to pick him up to drop him at his factory. The 30minute drive with him was her energy booster for the day.

That day when Gomathi picked up Ved, it was like any other day.

Gomathi: Good morning Ved

Ved: Good morning

Gomathi: You didn't talk to me last night ..hope everything is okay

Ved: What can go wrong in a few hours spoke to me for 2 hours last evening...Almost till 8 PM!

Gomathi: Sorry I get worried when you don't pick up your phone at night...

Ved: <Smiles> I know but control darling ..control!

Ved: Why do you love me so much?

Gomathi: Unless its mad, passionate or extraordinary love, its waste of time. There are many mediocre things in life darling; love shouldn't be one of them!

Ved: You read too much ...which book is this line from?

She talked continuously for next 30 minutes. Ved would have told everything that Gomathi told in 3 minutes ..but he patiently listened to her. They reached their regular breakfast joint...

Gomathi: One single Idly for me and one plate puri for him Waiter: <Looked confused> Okay ma'am..what about coffee? Gomathi: 2 sugarless coffees, please

Waiter: <confused> You want both now itself?

Gomathi: <Angry> Yes now !

Ved: Chill Gomathi ...he might have expected you to ask him to get 1 by 2 coffee first and then get the other coffee after breakfast

Gomathi: He was staring at me as if I am out of my mind

The waiter walked in with Puri, Idli, and 2 coffees and put all in front of her...By that time, Gomathi lost it

Gomathi: Why you are putting everything in front of me? Waiter: Sorry madam ...

They finished their breakfast. It was an unsettling breakfast for Gomathi.

Gomathi: Let's change the hotel from tomorrow

Ved: Okay ..but remember with the hotel changes we are doing

this year, we will not have any hotels left in Mysore for breakfast <Smiles>

Gomathi: <Smiles> I know ...

She dropped him at his factory and while driving to work, Ved's mom called her

Mom: Gomathi, what time are you coming tomorrow morning?

Gomathi: Its tough for me in the morning ...I will pick up Ved at 11 and come for lunch

Mom: Gomu ..come home right now, please

She sounded very low, so Gomathi decided to turn the car around and went to Ved's house

Gomathi: Ved, your mom is feeling low. Let me go to your house and have a chat with her. I will work from home today

Ved: Please do...she has been like this for a few days now. Your company will surely cheer her up

Gomathi: Hi Mom ...whats wrong?

Mom: Sit here darling ..You forgot about tomorrow? <sobbing>

Gomathi: <confused> what is it mom?

Mom's look was exactly like the look on the waiter's face in the morning ...Confused and with lots of questions.

Mom: Its been one year, we lost Ved ..tomorrow is the one year function for Ved .....

The smashed up car which was clearly visible through the window reminded Gomathi of the bad accident a year back. A drunk driver with his speeding truck had hit Ved's car

Reality hit Gomathi and suddenly realized she has been doing everything she did with Ved exactly the same way after he passed away. Only she could see and experience Ved...Tears started rolling down her cheeks. By then, Ved stood next to her and held her shoulder and said...

Ved: Gomu ...I am always with you. Sorry I could not be with you for your whole life but I am sure, our journey is the most favorite part. Sorry I had to leave you alone in this world. But your love kept me with you. I love you a lot and will always do


I don't want memories. I want you. I love you too Ved but I love you more than you love me, hence I am still her e for your mom 


Dr. Shivananda Koteshwar, The Other Life的更多文章

