Story 2- Apple
In the early times, people show their anger by burning the stuff and in 1965 same the student of the University of California, Berkeley was the first to publically burn the draft card to protest America's involvement in Vietnam War. Northern California was a hotbed of anti-government and antiestablishment sentiment; footage of clashes and riots in Berkeley and Oakland was beamed around the globe, fueling sympathetic movements across the United States and Europe. But it wasn't until 1976, nearly three years after the end of America's military involvement in the Vietnam conflict.
They aimed to make a very big impact, even challenge the way people perceive how the world work. They don't throw stones or burn the stuff they beat the system in their own game. They start the company Apple Computer. The challenge was personal computer and the reason was business.
Before Apple came into play the computer was very expensive away from the reach of the majority of people, but Wozniak and Jobs want that personal computer should be available to all the people so that they can compete with the competition.
So the personal computer revolution began Wozniak built the Apple I. In the first year, they made the million $ revenue. And they start improving their product and expanding their business,. At the end of the second year, they did 10 million $ sales and by the fourth year, they sold around 100 million $ computer. In just 6 years apple was a billion $ company.
They were not the only ones taking part in the race, they were not the first in it.
So what made apple special. It was not the ability to build such a fast-growing company, nor the ability to think differently about personal computers. So what made apple special is that they have been able to repeat the pattern again and again. Unlike their competition, Apple
has successfully changed conventional thinking in the computer industry, music industry,
mobile industry. And the reason is simple Apple Inspires. Apple starts with Why.
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