Story 11 – Found
Does a person start their lives looking for who they truly are, and where they fit in, or do they just let life unfold? Sometimes I look at some people around me and wonder if these thoughts ever cross their minds. Growing up, I had a strong need to fit in because I did not know who I was. However, now at the age of 40, it doesn’t bother me as much.
I can happily say with a strong internal confidence that I have ‘found’ myself. You may be wondering how I know this, and my simple response would be, “I just do.” It is an inner knowing of who I am and why I exist. I believe that everything that has happened to me in my past has all lead up to where I am at this very moment. It’s a knowing that I will not accept anything less for myself and most importantly, I won’t allow myself to be placed into a box anymore by others nor myself.
I wanted to fit in and feel accepted by others for so many years. I had to learn that I needed to ‘fit out’ and accept myself. It is often this internal battle that one needs to conquer before you can win at life externally. This is when I could give this personal knowledge and life lesson a name, and let it become an initiative that could assist others in finding their authentic selves. This is how my ‘unmoulded’ initiative came to be on the 10th of February 2020.
I then started encouraging people around me to live and strive daily to become ‘unmoulded’. To strip off the opinions of others, as to how they should live and fit in. To question whether they are seeing through the lens of truth or through the bifocals of a jaded perspective. I believe that the two main stepping stones towards starting this process was doing the practical work of discovering my life’s purpose, and then becoming an accredited Enneagram practitioner. At the core of both of these is a desire to discover authenticity, and to let go of the things that have kept you from moving forward, in essence ‘unboxing’ yourself.
I am a firm believer in passing this knowledge onto others, and to make what you know as practical as possible, for others to adopt too. One of the activities that I enjoy the most, is to take someone through a Purpose Discovery, linked with an Enneagram personality review. When it comes to personal growth, I strongly believe that ownership is key, and I walk alongside someone as they practically live out a Discovery Fulfilment plan, to move forward in their lives. I encourage them to not only think outside the box, but to live outside of it too. An authentic life cannot be contained by preconceived ideas or outdated doctrine.
In a previous story I shared with you that my personal purpose is “To inspire those around me to live their lives with purpose, to reach their full potential, to be their authentic selves. So that through each and every thoughtful act, we make the World a better place.” I have simplified it even further, and now it simply is “Releasing Inner Magic.”
It is now my turn to ask you if you have ever asked yourself who you are? If you could find yourself, who would you be and why do you exist? What would be your ‘Personal Purpose’ statement and where would it lead you? How differently would your life unfold before your eyes after the moment you ‘found’ yourself? Only you would know.