STORY 10 : 50 Colours of Love
Dr. Shivananda Koteshwar, The Other Life
Education, Technology, Investor, Mentor BELAKOO || AURINKO
.... All that live must die, passing through nature to eternity/ I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest... William Shakespeare
It was a Monday morning and as usual, Ram had taken his dogs for a walk. While he is walking around the park he sees a familiar face approaching him. It's Kushi! Ram is surprised to see her early in the morning and that too near his house.
Ram: Hi Kushi. Is everything okay?
Kushi: No, but we will talk about it later
Ram: What can I do for you?
Kushi: Come with me! Tell at your place that you are gone for a week
Ram: A week?
Kushi: Yes for a week, I am not requesting, I am asking you to pack your bags and leave immediately
Ram smiles and goes back to his house. He lets his dogs in and comes out with a small bag in 20mins. He sees Kushi standing at the same place like a rock. Her face does not show anything; calm as ever. The only thing Ram noticed was a teardrop at the edge of her eyes
But it was the silence, absolute silence that bonded them together
She held Ram's hands and walked into the taxi she had booked. The taxi headed straight to the airport. It was a flight to Delhi. She already had two tickets with her. She was so sure Ram will come along with her.
Again there was no exchange of words for the next 3 hours; just an occasional glance and smile. She didn't let go of his hand the entire journey. Ram also held her tight. It was a bond beyond words
As they landed in Delhi, Ram started understanding the plan. It was a jeep trip to Manasa Sarovar! As the jeep went through the turns of the magnificent Ghats of the hills it was a pleasure just to be one with nature. They both got down to a point and the walk started. Only words exchanged so far was ...a "thanks” from Kushi.
Ram: You don't like me thank you ..but you are saying thanks... Is it fair?
Kushi: I can but you cannot
Again it was silence which bound them for the next two days in the walk. It was tiring but the company took them to the place they wanted to go. Hands were held tight...all the while
As they reached Manasa Sarovar, they both felt the stillness of the lake was exactly similar to the state of same as their mind. Without their knowledge, they had become one with nature. She smiled and said,
Kushi: Next stop is Kailash
They trekked for two more days. They could see the great Kailash, Gold tipped peak as the sunlight struck it on the sides. Ram was mesmerized by the sight. Kushi came closer to Ram and said,
Kushi: Hug me like how you would hug a baby!
Ram pulled her close gently and hugged her like one hug a small baby. He could feel her teardrops on his chest. That warmed them both after the cold weather for the last three days now. Again no words got exchanged. She started walking with him...
There were warning signs about loose stones and the unstable mountain. There were no travelers beyond this point. Kushi looked into Ram's eyes and blinked once. Both wanted to continue the journey. So it was a "yes" nod from Ram.
They started walking with hands held tight. This time they were one with themselves. You could see four legs but only two-foot prints up the mountain
The mountains started shaking. The land they had put their foot on was trembling. There was no tinge of fear in them. They could see the peak on one side and vast mountains surrounding them. They had ice covered eyelids and blue lips. They could barely breathe. Just then the very soil below their feet started caving in.
They were clinging on to a small patch of land
Ram: We are at the end of our journey. Give me a kiss at least now
Kushi smiles and holds his hand tight
Kushi: Ram, this is not the end of our journey, this is the start of our beautiful journey together. We are one forever now
She kisses his hands and both disappeared into the mountains and became one with Kailash...
The alarm rings...Ram wakes up and realizes it was a dream; Not a nightmare for sure. It felt so real. He saw the same bruise on his hand, which he got in Kailash
Kushi's red bindi was stuck to his elbow. He took a bath, came out for a walk with his dog hoping to see Kushi with a taxi at the end of the road
The story has just begun...