Story 008 // The OG OG.
One of my best friends since the early days of PT school, me and Bryan go way farther back than most even realize. In fact, you probably don’t know this, but the original member at Physio Room back in 2011 was actually Bryan Cervantes.
The story about Jessie Wong as the number one employee was in fact fabricated.? She was the first full time member, but not the first member.? But it was such a compelling story to our team at the time, we stuck with it.
So if you want to know the truth about Bryan, we’re going to have to go way back before we ever opened our doors. At the time before opening Physio Room, I had almost zero clout in the industry. In fact, I had asked Bryan to work with me to protect my own reputation.? In a strange way, he was like my safety net.
For whatever reason, I was embarrassed to open up my own clinic.? I cared so much about what others would think about me, I almost didn’t do it.
But I figured if the website showed both me and Bryan standing together side by side, my old classmates and those I worked for and with wouldn’t think I would be foolish enough to open my own space without the accolades that others typically earned before taking the leap.
I honestly don’t know why I cared so much about what others thought about me back in the day, but I did.
Bryan never flinched or complained.? He stepped up and supported Physio Room from day one. ?When he had the chance to leave like everyone else did when we rebranded to Myodetox, he assured me it would never happen, and it never did.
He was always there for me especially when I needed him most, and by that I mean during my darkest hours outside of work.
From our battles on the court, to the 24-Hour Vegas binger (ask him about it), to running our first ever marathon together, to singing at my wedding as one of my groomsmen, Bryan is (and always will be) my brother for life.
If you see him around, please do me a favour and give him his flowers.? It’s long overdue..
“Real friends stay ’til the reel end, ’til the wheels fall off, ’til the wheels don’t spin.” - Ye.