"Storms and Cyclones"


"Few years back there was some aggressive movement that was introduced on the International platform, where the world climate change conference was held at New Delhi, December 2015. It was clearly shown through detailed diagrams on the upcoming havoc of climate change where storms and cyclones will erase every inch of humanity especially around coastal areas and cities that shall be hit on severe level. Despite this awareness from time to time through various organizations we are relaxed busy in man made forced war situations and ignoring the real war heading towards us where the forced climatic conditions has already?registered its presence through numerous?setbacks?yet we have ignore it leaving it in the hands of almighty fueling our superstition and keeping ourselves busy in usual spread of illiteracy?based on casteism and racism where on the other hand some are trying to solve it by reminding we are humans not cattle's.?

Storms and Cyclones & its impact on climate change.?

Today there is no shortage of people who have made serious attempts to provide information, stories and facts pertaining to global climate change and of incoming threats by the hands of nature across the world. For decades this topic has been a very appealing point of interest not only among scientists and researchers but general people with mental acumen who have basic understanding that this planet is just like our bodies that needs to be cleansed?and replenished. Since many of our fellow humans have failed to understand the very importance of how important it is to preserve the cycles of nature in order to preserve the human race. Many countries have pioneered various institutions and departments to study changing?patterns of climate as there are multiple factors causing constant damage leading to severe weather conditions across the world. Though despite best efforts many countries have not been able to obey the signed pact where year after year countries and governments have volunteered sessions, have organized meetings and conferences to be united to protect the most vulnerable countries and cities who are under direct threat naturally year after year due to unpredictable?weather conditions. Where be it Northern or Southern Hemisphere both are hammered by different types of Storms and Cyclonic cycles.?

Storms and Cyclones- Storms are associated with periods of strong winds after damaging winds. Heavy floods, thunder and lightning. Dense snowfall and blizzard conditions. There are multiple types of storm and they are usually classified by how strong the wind is or how heavy the rainfall, lightning or snow is in the given location as one such curse of changing climatic conditions is that everything has become unpredictable. At times a local community living around a storm forecasted?location may be a better observer compared to a certified scientist?however in general scientific research, you note the position of a storm on satellite photographs and use computers to follow and calculate its effect. Though again the methodology can be different varying from country to a given location. The Indian meteorological department is enhancing and working on advanced systems to deal with weather mapping and effects of climate change. Where the ministry of Earth sciences have delivered some landmark achievements in past decades where there is a surge in advancing their skills and calibre in comparison to western counterparts where via "WMO" Regional training institute new talented meteorologists are collaborating with international partners. India has been one of those countries from Asiatic region who have shown enthusiastic?approach towards "Paris climate change pact. Though the threat is not as lethal in comparison to attacks of "Tornadoes or Cyclones leading to regular extreme demanding conditions in Americas and other regions. Still some tropical Cyclones that have hit the Indian coastal region from East to South over the past few years have been alarming and have sent an alert as the process has already started where some leading South Asian cities are on the brink of unavoidable stormy and cyclonic attacks not necessarily due to western disturbances.

?What are Cyclones? When high speed winds move in the?circular motion, which occurs at the low-pressure center, this phenomenon is referred to as a Cyclone. There are different types of cyclones depending upon the size, nature as well as the setting in which they occur. These swirling winds are scientifically termed as tornadoes and hurricanes.?Tropical Cyclone is one of the hardest hits which has impacted major regions of the world. Tropical Cyclones are of the biggest threats to life and property even in the formative stages of their development. They include a number of different hazards that can individually cause significant impacts on life and property. Such as storm surge, flooding, extreme winds, tornadoes and lightning. When in combination then substantially they increase the potential for loss of life and material damage. Cyclonic rainfall also needs to be factored in as the study suggests the gap and patterns of storm and cyclone between east and west are heading towards each other. Reducing the gap every minute and increasing the chances of climatic threat. Where cyclonic activity is causing cyclonic rain when two masses of air of unlike density, temperature and humidity meet then it is formed. The rain falls gradually for a few hours to a few days. In climatology this refers to the top third of data recorded in the standard 30 year normal period. As per definition goes climatology is a branch of the atmospheric sciences concerned with the description of climate and the analysis of the causes of climatic differences. Climatology treats the same atmospheric processes as meteorology. Where on the other hand it is important to observe regional climatologies as well. A regional?climatology is a summary of the typical weather and climate?of a region based on historical data observation usually made at climate stations located within a given?region. This process is incomplete without learning its core side. Where "Southern Oscillation" in oceanography and climatology is a coherent interannual fluctuation of atmospheric pressure?over the tropical Indo Pacific region.?

Extreme severe Cyclonic storm Fani was the worst tropical cyclone to strike the Indian state since the 1999 Odisha cyclone.?The second named storm and the first severe cyclonic storm of the?2019 North Indian Ocean cyclone season, Fani originated from a tropical depression that formed west of?Sumatra?in the Indian Ocean on 26 April. Further The?2015 South India floods?resulted from heavy rainfall generated by the annual?northeast monsoon?in November–December 2015. They affected the?Coromandel Coast?region of the?South Indian?states of?Tamil Nadu?and?Andhra Pradesh.?The?1997–1998 El Ni?o event?was regarded as one of the strongest?El Ni?o?events in recorded history, which resulted in widespread?drought,?flooding?and other?natural disasters?occurring across the globe.?Though the unusually heavy rainfall in southern India during the winter of 2015 has been attributed to the?2014–16 El Ni?o event, in July 2018 the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (CAG) categorised the flooding across Tamil Nadu as a "man-made disaster?During January 2014, after surveying various climate models, the?World Meteorological Organization?warned that there was an enhanced possibility of a weak El Ni?o event happening during 2014.?Over the next few months the climate of the Pacific Ocean started to exhibit features that suggested the impending onset of an El Ni?o event.?Over the ocean, these features included: a rapid fall of the sea level in western?Micronesia, as well as a large area of enhanced?sea surface temperatures?that were present at low latitudes near the?International Date Line.?

Due to global warming, global climate models predict hurricanes that will likely cause more intense rainfall and have an increased?coastal flood risk due to higher storm surge caused by rising seas. Additionally the?global?frequency of storms may decrease unchanged but storms and hurricanes that form are more likely to become intense. Local communities and habitats around the ocean are also affected due to reverse?climatic effects. We know oceans take up carbon dioxide. Though when the same carbon dioxide is pumped out by humans into the atmosphere which is more than the ocean can handle. This saturation of the ocean with carbon dioxide is causing the chemistry of the water to change which is?affecting human?life cycles. As the ocean absorbs more carbon dioxide the water becomes more acidic. This process is called acidification. Further?the climate of Antarctica?is closely connected to the climate of the rest of the world through the ocean and the atmosphere. As the planet continues to get warmer where the sea is melting at a quicker rate then the continued melting of sea ice will cause sea level rise in other areas of the planet. This war cannot be fought with any advanced technology but by only being responsible where we must learn with immediate effect to be adaptive and sustainable. Countries must be focusing on developing joint research teams rather being bullish and envy where this resource and money should be to fight gigantic unpredictable "Climate Change pre and after effects"

Saurabh Somani.?

Note: {Above article Scientific definition and facts are inspired and taken from the research of multiple?organizations across the world}.?


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