Storm at Consensus May 2018
This article is a repost from the Storm blog:
Consensus was extremely productive for Storm and what a difference a year makes!
Hi, Storm Community:
Simon, Arry, Jon, and Maria hit the Consensus conference in New York City along with 9,000 other attendees recently. With our branded gear (including Arry in a Storm costume handing out astronaut ice cream bars), our team made good industry connects and advanced key relationships to further the network growth and impact of Storm globally.
Consensus 2018 Highlights
From Simon: “Consensus was extremely productive for Storm and what a difference a year makes! It was only a year ago, when Storm was a small team of 4 — and attending Consensus was Simon on a mission to meet as many people as possible to finish raising a seed round for the company. While we had no brand name, no recognition (yet) — we had a global mobile product with a growing user base, and growing revenue.
This year as we walked around at Consensus, people recognized the Storm as we walked around with our Storm gear. Having so many people recognize us this year was heartwarming to be able to experience the results of all the work we have put in as a team.”
We also had the opportunity to further connect with Akia, the Global Director from Young and Rubicam (Y&R) with us day-to-day at the conference. It was great to catch up with our other colleagues at Y&R while in NYC, too.
Near-term Revenue Opportunities from Consensus:
Thanks to the hustle of Jon & Simon who were focused on building more relationships and bringing in more sales for the company, we were able to get quite a bit done!
- Clients to onboard for new Storm tasks: Fysical, Cashbet, Xchng. We have additional client opportunities with Roomi, TAKL Delphy and more.
- Meetings with blockchain funds interested in cryptocurrencies
- Connecting with partners that are looking to make big bulk purchases of Storm tokens to add to their own ecosystems.
Some Great Photos from Consensus:
If you didn’t know already, Arry (I was in costume as Storm from the X-men) and Maria worked the conference handing out Astronaut ice-cream to attendees. One of our other key focus areas was getting the word out there about the new Storm re-branding effort that soft-launched during Consensus.
Thanks for following along — and more updates to come.
— Arry (President/COO of Storm)