Storm Chasers
I love this picture, it just cracked me up. It reminds of me the storm chasers I had to deal with, when I owned a roofing company in the Midwest. They are like sharks looking for prey in a flood. The hail hits and before its even over the storm chasers, are knocking on doors.
Sorry, the correct term is "stormer" as I taught by a storm chaser. But honestly who cares what the call themselves. They are here today and gone tomorrow, their entire reason for being in business is to swoop in and get that money.
These guy subscribe to various services that check the weather in the nation. Keeping them informed of all the good storms. When they know a good hail storm is about to devastate a community, they pile in the trucks and head out.
They will find some local guy, work under his name. Send their sales guys who knocking on doors. Making ridiculous promises and guarantees they wont have to keep, because in six months or less they will be gone.
These guys are pure predators, they don't care about your or your neighborhood. They are often not licensed, don't have insurance and have no problem lying about both. These guys are sharks who will devour the weakest and the slowest.
What do you do if your roof when your roof is damaged.
1. Relax don't panic.
2. Call a local roofing company to come out and "tarp" the roof. They will charge you, and that is ok. Many insurance companies will cover that cost for you. Check with your insurance agent.
3. Wait for the insurance adjuster to come out and do his/her job.
4. Now, you just wait it out. If your roof protected and not leaking, then why not wait for the sharks to swim back out to the ocean.
5. However, if your roof is leaking then call a local roofer. You can find them on Roofers association web sites.
6. When the sales guy arrives ask to see his driver's license, if it's an out-of-state license. He might be a "stormer". So use your own gut feeling.
The goal here is that you hire a genuine local contractor, not a "stormer" who can often pose as local contractors. Make sure the guy you hired will be around after all the storm work is over.
Or you can hire me as your roof consultant and I will handle all that mess for you.
Henry Staggs
(480) 265-1613