Storing Nuts in Manchester
What have I learned about Oasis? Their fans do a lot of cocaine. Seeing a headline that some are burying their stash in the park where the concert will take place next summer-if I know that the police now know that as well so they can bring drug sniffing dogs and ruin the underground economy.
I never trusted music fans who said that a narcotic was needed to appreciate any given band. Vaguely enjoying the music of Oasis when I heard it-isn't Champagne Supernova about cocaine?
There are as many interpretations as there are interpreters. I thought of champagne roses since the song was released in my floral delivery days. It could also be that champagne fountain where many glasses are stacked together and champagne is poured in them.
Actually, a champagne supernova is champagne served in a glass lined with cocaine. That is one interpretation. As the temperature drops I have a perpetually runny nose. From October through April, usually.
With so much junk coming out of my nose, why would I want to put something in my nose? I was offered cocaine once. The group was drinking and doing many things. It was one more thing for them. I would have gone from zero to sixty way too fast for my tastes.
I listened to these guys who seemed to be the next generation of friends. They fell away quickly. We'll always one really interesting night. They invited women to the room, we all hung out and slept together.
By sleeping together I mean we were under the covers with the lights off and our eyes were closed. Some of the guys were a little volatile. I wouldn't se them again and probably saw their best.
They were better than the adults who played video games and wore shorts to work-my social options at the time. None of which has to do with the strange habits of Oasis fans. They were a band I marginally enjoyed. This reunion has changed my perception of them. It's hard to get sick of a band who hasn't released music in years.
I wonder if people will bring drug sniffing dogs to that park searching for secret stashes. Is it going be like The Days of Wine and Roses where an addict tears up the park desperately looking for what they put underground?
There is an old joke that cocaine is God's way of saying you make too much money. So is paying for Oasis reunion tickets.