The stories we tell ourselves
Joe Dunlap
"The lens through which you look at a problem is probably the same lens through which you solve the problem." The question is, how many other lenses did you neglect in your solution?
Most of my childhood consisted of stories and sayings; two parents from the South so it comes with the territory. So obviously as a kid, I believed these stories and sayings ??
For instance, let's see if you recognize these oldies but goodies. Knuckle-Cracking Leads to Arthritis.?Swim Too Soon After Eating and You'll Cramp up and Drown.?Watermelons Will Grow in Your Stomach from Swallowed Seeds; a Texas favorite.?Touch a Toad and You'll Get Warts.?Santa Claus Knows If You've Been Naughty or Nice; if that were true there was a span from 8 to 13 years old where all I should have received was coal in my stocking.????.
Those were the stories I told myself and I believed them... until I learned the rest of the story. Same for my career in L&D. I told myself that learning styles
There's the story of my friend's employer who told themselves that one-day leadership workshops were a success even though most of the evidence said differently.
There's the panel I sat in on recently where the presenter(s) shared their research story that over 50% of front-line workers in manufacturing wanted to grow into leadership positions
There's the vendor in a recent webinar who shared the story of their success using mobile learning
And there's the measurement expert who promoted that training improves performance. Based on a quick review of the research he cited it appeared training did improve performance, but there were a lot of other variables involved in that improvement and some of the cited studies measured non-performance results.
Am I criticizing them? Not al all, they told a story and I believe there is truth to their stories. But is there more to the story than just the headline or statement. I wish the story tellers would do more to ensure that the story content explained the nuances. I wish the story listeners would ask the questions and read the fine print before just believing the story.
Maybe I shouldn't be surprised because I see, and do, this much too often; believing the stories we tell ourselves without researching the story behind the story. Don't believe me, get on any social media and I'm sure you'll soon see something that makes you ????
So my fellow L&Ders, please ask the "Who, What, When, Where, Why and How" of the story. Thanks for reading. Until next time...
Helping people be great at their jobs / Fighting for clean water in Florida!
2 年So true Joe! Rarely do people peel back the onion. It's like using percentages to come to a conclusion without explaining that the audience size was 10. Thank you for making people think. ??