Stories of Transformations
2020 GMI - Forbes India Top 100 Manager, Founder & CEO Samaagam, Co Founder of Sanjeevani Life Beyond Cancer Ex Head ESE, Bharat Petroleum
Dear Friends
A few days ago I had shared with you a post on a Souvenir (Magazine) brought out by #SanjeevaniLifeBeondCancer, last year, profiling inspirational stories of persons who fought and defeated cancer.
An initial print run of 1000 copies were distributed free of cost to patients visiting our Counselling Centres located in Super Speciality Cancer hospitals.
The response from hospitals, patients as well as their care givers was overwhelming which led us to go for a ?#?2ndreprint of 1000 copies. Those are also nearly over and hence a ?#?3rdreprint is being contemplated. We will keep reprinting these till patients want it.
It was very heartening that no one who received a copy left it back or threw it in the bin. They hold it as a treasured possession.
The copy of this Souvenir is available for free download on our website by accessing this link:
Friends, one thing that stood out from the feedback received by us from Doctor's, Patients and Care-Givers, is a huge need for inspirational and motivation content being made available to persons fighting cancer.
This update is to share with you our new project in continuation of this theme. This time we intend bringing out a Souvenir (Magazine) profiling stories of? #?Underprividged #CancerVictors / #CancerCareGivers who despite tremendous personal, physical and financial hardships went on to challenge themselves to transform themselves in to #CertifiedCareGivers to bring #hope, ?#?happiness and #Cheer in the life of persons fighting cancer.
This souvenir will be called SATORI - Stories of Transformation.
The planned initial print run is for 2000 copies.
Sanjeevani has sought support by way of advertisements for this venture. The rates are
- Back Cover : Rs 2,00,000/-
? Inside Covers: Rs 1,00,000/- each
? Full page : Rs 50,000/- each
Knowing fully well that it is your support that will make or break it, I am taking this liberty of contacting you with a request for support from your organization.
As soon as I receive your mail that your organization is interested, I would request a colleague to have a formal proposal sent to your office.
Thanks & Gratitude