Stories of Retiree
We had a gathering among classmates and old friends, whereby each of us is around 70 years old of age.
I conducted a facilitated group conversation whereby each of us had opportunity to share whatever personal stories without being interrupted.
Many shared their personal stories on some medical issues experienced and / or still facing.
As expected among any aging group, there are symptoms here and there, some mild and numerous, some severe.
I listened and observed with attention their thinking of their medical issues.
Some said the western medical doctors cannot explained why such symptoms occur, yet offer more treatment and lifelong medication.
Some said after a few trials with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)? with herbs and acupuncture, there is no improvement.
Another one said, it is all in the mind, if the mind is OK, everything is OK. Just be happy (this is from a person who does not experience real suffering due to serious mental, physical and emotional pain.)
?I have my own reflection, after studying many years the Theory of Yellow Emperor Inner Classic (YEIC) 黄帝内经, which is also the foundation of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
All the symptoms described can be explained from the theoretical framework of YEIC, for e.g. the theory of Qi (气), Qi-Blood (气血), Meridians(经络), 5-element Model (五行学说),? In-and-out model (气进气出)of nutrient supply to all cells, tissues and organs and expulsion of toxin from the body.
?Such holistic theoretical framework is not available in Western Medicine.
?Although YEIC is the foundation of TCM, from my experience, a high percentage of the TCM doctors do not have adequate theoretical knowledge of YEIC and skills to do good diagnosis or they even conduct wrong diagnosis.
?It is not the failure of the YEIC theory. Furthermore TCM doctors do not have the knowledge to advice patient on The Dao of Living, (养生之道)based on YEIC to help patient to practice daily on their own, with respect to their emotions, personality, type of food intake, qi-exercises.
I respect individual freedom of choice how best to manage own health.
I appreciate the fact that after 70 years being exposed to only western medicine theory about sickness and health, it is difficult to open the mind to different paradigm.
I wish all my classmates and friends all the best.