Stories of Resilience - Stephen King

Stories of Resilience - Stephen King

Stephen King's novel "Carrie" was thrown into the trash after 30 rejections.?

He was ready to give up on it.?

His wife pulled it out of the trash, gathered the pages together neatly, and convinced Stephen to finish the novel.??

At that moment Stephen King was ready to give up, but someone who believed in him didn't let that happen.?

Resiliency isn't about never wanting to give up or fail.

It's about continuing when you can't see that light at the end of the tunnel.

Stephen and his wife couldn't afford a phone and lived in a double-wide trailer in the early 1970s. She left the home to find a phone to receive a telegram that Carrie had been bought by a publisher!

A small success at first turned huge when a larger publishing company picked up the book and Steven received $400,000 worth $2,980,505.15 in the 1970s.

It is important to surround yourself with people who support your journey and are there to lift you up when you need a boost.

"Talent is cheaper than table salt. What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work. " -Stephen King

What keeps YOU going when you feel like giving up???



