Stories are the operating system of the mind.
Clive Cable
I help working copywriters double their income by teaching them how to memorise and layer proven sales formulas, transforming them from slow, uncertain writers into confident, high-speed conversion specialists.
There’s a Netflix series called “Abstract - The Art of Design.”
In the first documentary you’re exposed to a fascinating insight.
On the wall opposite you the viewer is a large board with what looks like larger than usual iPads.
There are 7 rows vertically and 10 rows horizontally.
There’s nothing but blank colourless screens.
To the left is a large yellow light.
It looks a bit like those search lights used in those second world war films.
The light wasn’t overly bright, but it was a strong yellow.
The thing that caught my attention and stayed with me was this.
As soon as the large yellow light was turned off and an ordinary daylight bulb was turned on all; the “iPads” revealed the colours of the rainbow.
Top row horizontally was red.
Then orange.
Blue and so on down to the bottom horizontal row.
All the time the yellow light was on the room was colourless except yellow.
A similar thing happens in business when people use the word “Brand.”
They can’t see the “colours” around them.
If you talk to an ad agency they speak only about “brand awareness.”
That’s because this brand awareness “blinds” them to seeing anything else.
It’s the same with web designers.
They focus on the look, the layout, the aesthetics.
They overlook everything else.
While you’re reading this, I’m going to turn off the yellow light of brand awareness.
And turn on the “normal” light.
Online nothing gets sold until the copy is written.
By copy I mean the words written that prove the benefits of buying a product or service totally outweighs the asking price.
Hard to believe?
I get that.
Especially if you’ve been blinded by the yellow light.
But I’m not asking you to believe anything just yet.
Until you see the evidence for yourself.
All I ask is you refrain from disbelieving while I show you my proof.
It will take just a few minutes, yet the rewards will be enormous because this is the only place where you’ll find success online no matter what business you’re in.
Amazon, Google, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Tik Tok, and LinkedIn couldn’t care less about brand awareness.
They ALL make their money with the power of the written word.
And together they dwarf anyone else in the online space.
Let’s take Google as an example.
They don’t make money from Gmail or their internet browser.
As good as both of those are, they are not raking in the cash.
Google ads make millions.
As does YouTube ads.
Both rely on words.
Words conceived by “ghostwriters.”
The same holds true for Facebook and every other successful social media platform.
They rely on ads for their profits.
These ads are written by ghostwriters.
Writers for hire if you will.
Now let’s look at another company.
You may have heard of them.
They make around two billion dollars a year.
Every year.
They have their own in-house team of highly skilled ghostwriters.
Writers who write words that make sales.
You may think “sales” is a dirty word.
If you’ve been tricked into buying something that was rubbish - then I’m with you.
But the business I’m talking about here only sells quality.
If they didn’t, they’d soon be out of business as word tends to get around fast online.
The old English word for selling means “service.”
When you buy something that person you bought from served you in a manner that was advantageous to you.
My point is this.
You’re in business.
That means you sell something to someone.
However, you may want to think of it as you’re “serving” someone in a special way and as a result you deserve a monetary reward.
Right there you find another clue.
The word deserve literally means “To Serve.”
You deserve a reward when you serve.
That’s the basic 101 of business.
The 102 of business is to “tell the truth attractively.”
Meaning – put your best foot forward.
Tell people – with words – how you can solve their problem.
It’s simple but not easy.
When you started your business did you invest thousands of hours to train yourself to be a persuasive writer who can tell the truth attractively?
Did you spend hours and hours discovering all the reasons why people wouldn’t buy from you?
Did you take the time and do the research into your customers pains, frustrations, desires, and dreams?
If you answered NO to any of these questions the best way forward is to talk to a ghostwriter.
But wait…
Can’t anyone write ads, sales copy, and content?
Try this experiment.
Call six of your friends.
Tell them you have an ad to write, and you need their help.
I guarantee you most - if not all - will say yes.
Now wait one day.
Then phone them again and say you have an electrical fault with your car, and you need their help.
I’d be willing to bet they won’t be able to help you.
The thing is people know that being a mechanic is a skilled trade.
But being an ad writer?
Surely that’s not a skilled job.
Or is it?
If you had to make money or you’ll go bankrupt, would you still trust your friends to write you a money-making ad?
Thought not.
Let’s turn our attention to what makes ads successful.
Why stories?
Stories are the operating system of the mind.
Stories multiply conversions.
Stories almost force people to read.
Stories are what most of us grew up with and are the fastest way to put the reader into a “buying trance.”
We humans evolved to be pattern seeking and story seeking animals.
When it comes to attracting a mate, we have no choice whatsoever.
When you and I rabidly desire something our reptilian brain takes over.
For proof of this read the book “Neuromarketing” by Patrick Renvoise and Christopher Morin.
When it comes to influence, humans are the ONLY animal stupid enough to think we’re rational.
And guess what?
That makes us really easy to sell to.
But remember what I said earlier.
You’re telling the truth attractively.
Didn’t you do that when you fell in love for the first time?
Here’s why you need a skilled ghostwriter to write a successful launch campaign for you.
They are the only people on the planet who understand the…
Laws of human nature.
Law 1.
Everyone is silently suffering and insecure.
Law 2.
Everyone is wearing a mask.
Law 3.
Everyone’s pretending they are not wearing a mask.
Law 4.
Every adult is a product of childhood suffering and reward.
Once you hire a ghostwriter who knows these laws, your success is assured.
There’s one more criterion for choosing your ghostwriter.
He or she must be able to articulate your customers pain better than they themselves can.
That way when they read the sales copy is resonates.
And in the back of their mind, they automatically believe you have the best answer to their pain.
Only then can your ghostwriter craft a compelling offer.
The best campaigns work this way.
One. Understand the deep fears and desires of your market.
Two. Craft and offer so good they would be stupid to ignore it.
Three. Write the sales copy that leads to the offer.
I have a 1,300-word mega Chat GPT prompt that I use to delve deep into the mind of your avatar.
I have another mega prompt that tests the validity of an irresistible offer.
I also have 34 years’ experience writing sales copy that converts.
I started out with direct mail in 1990.
With direct mail you must get it right the first time.
Because of the costs you can’t afford mistakes.
That’s why I use the first two Chat GPT prompts BEFORE I write a single word of sales copy.
If you had me on your contact list and asked me to help you write a winning ad that would make you money fast.
Would you call me?