"Stories of a Learner": The BG Chronicles Chapter Six

"Stories of a Learner": The BG Chronicles Chapter Six

"There is no way to make a child know just how important everything they learn is until they grow up;

That is why they have teachers and parents to guide them in paying attention and doing their best!

...but not all teachers work in schools."

I wish I had paid more attention when we were learning...

"Finish what you start... and start, staring at the finish line."

In our first class, we learned rhyme and rhythm... to teach patience

In our second class, we learned penmanship... to teach boundaries

In our third class, we learned handstands... to teach balance

In our fourth class, we learned hymns... to teach harmony

In our fifth class, we learned first aid... to teach us resilience

Today we are re-learning...

...catcher (particularly police and theif) #recess or #play-time

As a kid, I was fast, nimble and small.

The perfect thief.

You could only catch my breeze stream.

I loved being the thief.

But I sucked at being the police. You would think being fast, nimble and small would be enough to be equally good as the 'catcher', but the truth was the best "police" are wizards not only on strategy but execution and flexibility.

My immediate elder sister was the chief at this... she was equally fast and nimble but as an early bloomer she was not small. However, her elevated view allowed her to marshal her troops and stare the theifs into well-hidden traps.

Now, this post is in no way commenting on any countries police system, profiling methodology, policies, laws or rights... I know there is a lot more the police globally need to do to be better because they typically are slow to see their own blind spots much less adjust - bureaucracy.

Rather, in this class we are learning strategy.

I have been known to hyperfocus... in layman's terms I tend to have a one track mind and I used to beat the strategy to death before considering the next option (basically series connections). My sister however, could have multiple active 'police' chasing the same 'thief(s)' and even have them redirect (or pivot) their target if there was an opportunity,

This fludity to problem-solving has always mesmerized me and I have longed for it all my life... it wasn't until I realized there was something medical to my one-trick pony approach that I incorporated spending a fixed time limit in journaling the ideations, rapidly testing during the learning phase and moving directly into a minimum of 3 executions, that I started getting better.

It makes sense now why my strengths are: learner, ideation, input, optimistic and belief

But in a game of catcher, when all the theives had scattered and it was my job to gather them, I would take all I hard to overcome inertia and run down a single path to oblivion.


#parenting #education #catcher #play-time #strategy #execution


