

Triple Espresso:

Stories shape and change the world. 

Three realities we live in are the objective, the subjective, and the world of story.

Objective reality are things you can see, touch, taste, etc: Trees, dogs, cars, cash, cats (but stay away from cats, they're creepy. =)

Subjective reality are emotions, meaning, and how we think individually about objective things.

Stories are the collective thoughts, feelings, meanings that have been created regarding the objective and subjective realities.

Why the hell does this matter to leadership of your life and business?

Because unless and until you understand these three things, you'll continue to lead a life that's been handed to you; you'll continue to get what you've got; and chase what you've been told to chase.

Obviously this is a much longer and deeper topic than I can go into in this short entry, but let me assure you it's one worth understanding and exploring.

One of the 3 primary things I work extensively with in my Leadership and Performance Coaching is the shattering of stories.

Let me give you a few examples:

1. The "history" you've been taught in your country is a lie. It's just a story that's most often created by the victor of a war.

2. Your life and experiences and identity are a lie. They're only the story you've created from a single viewpoint; there are many other views, in fact infinite views. 

You were just not equipped to view other perspectives at the time based upon your particular level of awareness. Change that awareness and view, and the story completely changes. So does your behavior. So do your results.

3. Both your objective and subjective realities are driven by the stories you've been sold and bought into. E.g. random green pieces of paper with pictures of dead people on them are worthless. Yet, money is valuable. Money is a story. Maybe one of the greatest stories ever sold.

I trust you're beginning to see the point. Money has no value whatsoever. It's the story ATTACHED to the money that gives it its perceived value. But its NOT just money, that's just one example that's close to home .

Stories change in an instant

Once again, stories shape and change the world. Even when they're lies. Change YOUR story and you change your life. Discover your unique God-given gifts that you’re here to share and contribute. Join us on Personal Purpose and Power on April 9TH-11TH 2021. Details here:

#SaturdayMorning #leadership #futureleadership #leaders #motivation #determination #redemption #redemptiveleadership #mentalmasterywithjames #jamesarthurray #jamesray #BersabehRay #jamesarthurandbearray


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