Stories I have posted you might find interesting to read about
Stories you might find interesting I have posted for you to read about. 1/19/2020. So much is going on in our field, I found these stories interesting and in publications we might not read.
Cardinal Health intends to recall surgical gowns, packs due to quality issue
Infection control and risk factors for acquisition of carbapenemase-producing enterobacteriaceae. A 5 year (2011–2016) case-control study
3 Ways a Medical Device Consultant Can Help You Save Time and Money
Oven door handles have more bacteria on them than toilet seats... is it time to clean your oven?
CDC to examine passengers from Wuhan, China, for symptoms
Yuck: Docs' White Coats Rarely See the Washing Machine
New York hospital survey found most go a week or more between laundering s