Store Up Meat with the ROADKILL ART App

Store Up Meat with the ROADKILL ART App

The new ROADKILL ART app marks your roadkill location instantly on the app map and allows for a picture and up to a 30 second video.

If you enjoy the delicious flavor of game meat especially deer or big game, the new Roadkill Art app has made it easy to acquire fresh roadkill just by checking what has been reported in the daily feed. Start filling up your refrigerator and freezer with squirrel, raccoon, skunk, possum, turkey, deer, elk or moose, what ever game meat your local roads provide. If you are not equipped to pick up roadkill you can become a roadkill reporter helping others load up the meat, one touch of the app and you have instantly reported roadkill no matter where you are in the United States, even Hawaii or Alaska.

The best way to report roadkill in the app is to have a car cell phone?mount that sits on top of your dashboard facing out the front window with the app on your home page so you can touch the icon at any split second. When you see something slow down as much as possible, hit the app icon, as the map appears hit the orange bar at the bottom of the page, you can now take a picture. If you are not going too fast or can stop you will be able to get up to a 30 second video. Commentating as you record is appreciated by other members, the videos provide real time content for members who like to see a close look and where the roadkill was found.

Ideally is having a roadkill partner, one person drives, the other person has their eyes pealed for roadkill while navigating the app, the way ‘Roadkill Hunters’ go out on their search in the wee early hours. Team work increases the odds of being able to load up big game roadkill and keeps safety in working with any traffic when pulling over. Most roadkill is produced when the sun is going down or has gone down, which is the time to find and pick up what's available before it becomes more damaged from morning work traffic. Even if you can not take the roadkill for yourself when you report it in the app you have given someone else, possibly 100 pounds of venison. The average buck in the USA weighing 225 lbs and the average doe weighting 150 lbs.

Roadkill Art is an app with a community of game meat lovers?and skilled hunters. Though the app is free on both Google Play and Apple it is the registration process that keeps the group specific with the selection of ones hunting and game meat eating status. With the status choice, ‘Not A hunter but like game meat’, the roadkill door has flown open to non- hunter’s that love a good venison steak. The how to skin and process a deer videos, connection to skilled processors and hunters within the app and on the Roadkill Art Facebook page, provides game meat lovers comfort and confidence loading up a deer.?

In Tennessee, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Georgia and Pennsylvania in October 2016 Arby’s had a Venison Burger on their menu that sold out that day leaving many to wait for the next delivery, which was the following year October 2017. This time the Venison Burger was at all Arby’s in all 50’ states and again sold out that day, evidence America loves game meat. With no know date Arby’s will ever bring back this Venison Burger next time you are fixing a roadkill deer burger try it the way Arby’s served it, with a Juniper Berry sauce and Fried Onions, it proved irresistible.

The app being specifically designed for marking roadkill on a map so others who are located near the marked location can pick it up while it's still fresh has some members traveling as little as 5 miles. The two championing features: 1. reporting roadkill on the map with a picture and video and 2. checking the List View to see if big game has been reported in proximity to your location, are getting members game meat without the needed time for a morning or afternoon of hunting. Venison Steak Diane, Venison Tenderloin with Fig Sauce and Venison Roast over Wild Rice, 4-5 star restaurant dishes are now just a shovel away from your kitchen. Members are loving the place to get that free deer meat, the Roadkill Art app. The app links in iOS and Android:

Apple Link:?

Google Link:?

The app also makes it easy to find out what is required when taking roadkill in your state, providing roadkill rules, regulations and laws for every US state and the District of Columbia. The icon at the bottom of the app map page, an orange star, houses a color coded map of the US, the states are divided into 8 categories summarizing what to do when you want to take roadkill for consumption or art. When you click on your state you will get further instruction for which department or organization to contact.

The Roadkill Art State 'Regulation' categories are:?

1. Yes one can take roadkill.

2. Yes one can take roadkill but must first get permission from the police call 911.

3. Yes one can take roadkill but a salvage permit is required.

4. Yes one can take roadkill but a permit is required from Natural Resources.

5. Call 911, no known law specifically about roadkill.

6. Yes one can take roadkill but must notify authorities you took it.

7. Yes one can take roadkill but you are required to file a permit, tag, license or report, see one's state.

8. No one can take roadkill it is illegal.

Roadkill Art invites all game meat lover's to be a part of a unique community, download the app to your phone and register by answering a few simple questions. One simple task of reporting roadkill in the Roadkill Art app can lead to providing meals, delicious game meat meals to a lot of people.


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