Store E-mails on a Network Drive

If you are using the Microsoft e-mail logging functionality in Dynamics NAV, your e-mails are stored in the Public Folders of Exchange.

There are many reasons why you should not do that:

  • Public folders are an inefficient way of storing data due to the overheads in the Exchange environment.
  • Public folders are complex to maintain in terms of assigning user permissions to folders and subfolders.
  • Public folders have strict limits in Exchange, which will inhibit scalability in the future – you’ll always have a limit you need to be careful to avoid if you continue to use public folders.
  • Microsoft has been trying to depreciate Public Folders for some time and there is a delayed development cycle for Public Folders. 

In other words, you better store your e-mails on a network drive instead of in Public Folders.

The problem however is, how do I get my 10.000, 100.000 or even > 1.000.000 out of my Public Folders? NAV does not have tool to do that.

The answer is our E-mail Relocator.

It can support you in 2 ways:

  • it will move all e-mails from your public folders to a network drive
  • It will store future e-mails directly on a network drive


Since this is not a out-of–the-box product that we can just send you, please contact us so that we can tell you how we can help you.


