

#BuildEmployees #EmpowerEmployees and builds and fosters a culture that leads to an ‘Employee Empower Leadership Culture’ that managers support. Empowering the people that do the work does more than just increase performance that meets a target, but builds a sustainable workplace culture where employees become responsible for the work they do every day. Managers then can do the work of their title #Manage which means to support within the workspace, helping employees do their job. We love throwing words around, like #Leadership to your employees to lead and then they will eventually will #Love coming to work.?


Building good relationship with their employees increase trust and which led to a desire to be more committed to their post, their team and wanting to do more than just turn

Many leaders often try to empower their employees by delegating authority and decision-making, sharing information, and asking for their input. It found that first, empowering leaders are much more effective at influencing employee creativity and citizenship behavior (i.e., behavior that is not formally recognized or rewarded like helping coworkers or attending work functions that aren’t mandatory) than routine task performance. Second, by empowering their employees, these leaders are also more likely to be trusted by their subordinates, compared to leaders who do not empower their employees. https://hbr.org/2018/03/when-empowering-employees-works-and-when-it-doesnt


Trust the employees that work with you - first things first, develop your managers with management skills that seek to empower employees and manage without fear. Remove the word #Power from a managers head space and replace it with the word #Support and when targets are not met #Fire the manager, when the work doesn’t get done and #Stop firing your employees. There is no use trying to build an environment that fosters #EmployeeWellness where there is in actuality a workplace culture of fear.


We talk about love, we use words that sound good, especially in a #LeadershipCulture but where employees do just enough to not be fired. That’s all your #LeadershipWords are to employees. Until you build managers that understand why we build and support employees and not our social media profiles, corner offices and spending money sending your managers off to leadership conferences, employees won’t do anymore than they have to.


To increase employee performance, stop sending managers on leadership conferences, rather, use the money to empower employees with interventions such as on employee reward programmes that builds a culture of performance. The reward cannot be a framed picture on a wall and an announcement from the HR team. Employee reward programme must have rewards that you the manager would deem as special, like movie tickets, a hotel stay and weekend get away, your parking spot near the front door for that month etc. Send your employees off to a leadership conference where they play golf and give the rewards to the people who do the work. Stop rewarding mangers for the work employees do.

#ShopFloor should be the #MainFloor

Once you start rewarding your employees and stop awarding your managers and promote a culture where managers are on the ground spending time building relationships with their employees, supporting their employees and spending time doing the work with their employees you will never build a thriving workplace culture that employees love coming to, being part of and so on and so forth.

Once relationships are built and managers begin the journey of understanding the importance of supporting their employees in a #NoBlame culture, then and only then will employees do more than just enough everyday to not get fired. Employees must see that this is not another two (2) week initiative, but a intervention that focuses on them long term, then performance increase will become a normative outcome.

#Change ‘On-the-job-training’

No longer using #LeadershipWords and commence the journey of turning words into actions, that employee experience daily, that will lead to the actions you desire across your culture like #Trust #Love #IncreasedPerformance #HealthCulture #Wellness etc. To achieve this, you have to incorporate ongoing training, development and coaching that helps your employees to do their jobs then they may?#Like?coming to work?#Leaders?must stand with their employees, work with them, spent time with them, build relationships and help employees create an environment and platform that can lead to effective relationships that?#GetTheJobDone?and over years, lead to building a culture where words like?#Trust?#Love?#Empowerment?can become part of the conversation where employees lead and managers support what they do.

#Leaders must stand with employees, work with them building programmes that help employees creating a supportive environment that lead to effective relationships that #GetTheJobDone

Words like #Love #Empowerment can become part of the conversation only if employees #Trust the managers they work with.


Where managers play a supportive position that empowers your employees. Its time to drop the ‘old school mantra of #Leadership #BuildingLeaders and start investing resources into the people who actually do-the-work (your employees). The Leadership model, is a false narrative that supports nothing more than a leadership industry that sells books and puts on expensive conferences at hotels and then some. This huge profitable industry does nothing to develop actual employees and only builds the egos of managers who need their ego’s to be shut down.


How long will we continue to reward the people that don’t do the work, #Fact if managers were to go on strike, the workplace would think that they were on annual leave, but when employees strike, organisations shut down. Isn’t it about time that we start rewarding the people that do the work, employees matter to organisations, just imagine if we treated and rewarded our employees the way we reward our managers..?

Start treating your employees like managers and you will see employees that not only mangers their work, but you will see both an increase in performance and a transformation of culture.


Kurt S. Wilson

Skills: Management and Leadership · Program Lead · Training · Design and Delivery · Learning and Development

1 年

Empowering employees means?giving your team members permission to take action and make decisions within your organization. It also means there is trust and understanding in place to ensure these actions are in line with company goals. Empowering employees is important for growing a sustainable business.



