Stop Your Job from Sabotaging Your Health: A Busy Leader's Guide to Staying Fit Amidst Feasts and Functions
Even amidst the allure of office treats, a healthy choice stands out. Discover practical strategies to maintain your well-being in a work environment.

Stop Your Job from Sabotaging Your Health: A Busy Leader's Guide to Staying Fit Amidst Feasts and Functions

Are work dinners sabotaging your health goals? Youre not alone.

A common question private clients in my leadership health and well-being coaching programs ask me is how to maintain healthy eating and exercise habits when work engagements blatantly sabotage their best-laid health intentions.

As a medical doctor and health and well-being coach, I understand it can be emotionally challenging when your work environment doesn't support your health goals. Whether it’s frequent travel, fundraising feasts, conferences around candy centrepieces, or meetings with 3-course meals and an abundance of alcohol, the underlying problem is the same. Their work environments present health and well-being hazards instead of promoting healthy habits.

You don’t have to struggle to maintain healthy habits due to your work commitments. This article is for you if you’ve noticed your waistline widening or your trousers tightening, thanks to endless work events and engagements.nbsp;

Here, I’ll share practical and effective tips for creating healthy lifestyle habits even when cocktails are calling or scrumptious desserts are seducing you to cheat on your diet and exercise plan.

Understanding the Workplace Health Hazard

We've all been there: the endless work dinners, the conference spreads, the celebratory toasts. Its a wonder any of us manage to maintain our health goals amidst the onslaught. But it is possible! As a medical doctor and well-being coach, I've seen firsthand the power of the right strategies. Here's what you need to know:

It's not your willpower that's failing – it's the environment. Our workplaces, often unintentionally, create a minefield of temptations:

  • Food as a Reward: Celebrating milestones with cake reinforces unhealthy associations.
  • Social Pressure: It's harder to say no when everyone else is indulging.
  • Limited Healthy Options: Vending machines stocked with chips and lollies don't exactly scream nutritious.

The Impact on Your Health (and Your Trousers)

The consequences go beyond a tightening waistband. These unhealthy habits can contribute to:

  • Weight Gain: Extra kilos creep on when calories consistently exceed what you burn.
  • Chronic Disease Risk: Poor diet and lack of exercise increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.
  • Energy Slumps: Blood sugar crashes after sugary treats leave you feeling drained.

Your Action Plan for Workplace Wellness

Demands of leadership often come with less-than-ideal health scenarios. But fear not! There are practical strategies to survive and thrive, those tantalising temptations in your work environment. Simply follow this roadmap to reclaiming your health:

1. The Power of Proactive Planning

Don't wait until you're face-to-face with a five-course meal to decide how you'll handle it.

  • Pre-Event Prep: Before you head to a work function, have a healthy snack or meal. This helps to curb your appetite and makes you less likely to overindulge.
  • Research the Menu: If the menu is available in advance, choose your meal beforehand. Look for grilled, baked, or steamed options over fried or creamy dishes.
  • BYO Snacks: In your bag or desk drawer, keep a stash of healthy snacks (think nuts, fruit, or veggie sticks). This will help you avoid the candy bowl or biscuit tin when cravings strike.

2. Mindful Eating: Savour, Don't Scoff

When you do eat, make it count.

  • Slow Down: Eating quickly can lead to overeating. Take your time, savour each bite, and pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues.
  • Choose Wisely: Fill your plate with plenty of vegetables, protein, and whole grains. This helps you stay full and satisfied for longer.
  • Limit Alcohol: If you choose to drink, stick to one or two drinks and alternate with water. Alcohol can quickly derail your health goals, not to mention your decision-making skills.

3. Movement as Medicine

Even small bursts of activity can make a big difference.

  • Schedule Exercise: Block out time for exercise in your calendar, just like you would for any other important meeting.
  • Sneak in Steps: Take the stairs instead of the lift, park further away from your destination, or quickly walk around the block during your lunch break.
  • Deskercise: Get up every 50-60 minutes and do simple stretches or exercises at your desk throughout the day.

4. The Power of the "No"

You don't have to say yes to every invitation or every treat that comes your way. It's okay to decline politely.

  • Be Assertive: "Thanks, but I'm full" or "I'm not drinking tonight" are perfectly acceptable responses.
  • Prioritise Connection: Work functions are about networking and building relationships, not just food and drink. Focus on conversations and connections instead of the buffet table.

5. Find Your Tribe

Surround yourself with people who support your health goals.

  • Workout Buddy: Find a colleague who also wants to stay healthy and exercise together. Staying motivated is easier when you have someone to keep you accountable.
  • Healthy Lunch Dates: Suggest healthier lunch options when dining out with colleagues.
  • Lead by Example: Your healthy habits can inspire others.

A Final Word

Remember, you're in the driver's seat of your health journey. Don't let your work environment derail your well-being. By taking charge and implementing these strategies, you can create a healthier, happier lifestyle, one conscious choice at a time.

Ready to take the next step in your leadership health journey??

If you're ready to take your health to the next level, I'm here to help. As your coach, I'll provide personalised guidance, support, and accountability to ensure you achieve your goals.

Let's work together to make your health a priority, no matter what your workplace throws at you! Email [email protected] and schedule your first health and well-being appointment.

Let's Redefine Leadership Success as Healthy & Happy!

Dr. Masi


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