Stop Worrying! Start Living!
Madgula Radhika
Motivational/Web Content Writer | Aspiring Author | Article/Blog writer
When we stop worrying and start living we are in love with our life. I had one motivational audio that I admire most mentioned that always be happy, analyse yourself if you are diverting from that feel and try to be happy.
As a full-time mother, I have started this task which was tough in the initial days, what I noticed is I always put my appearance of face as a grin, frustrated or worried about forthcoming things. I practised self-observing in day-to-day
I love the way the speaker said, that when we deviate from the actual path of life we have to remind ourselves that in this moment, we should be happy and a smile should never be missed on our faces.
The present moment happiness
Worrying will create more challenges rather it affects our mental and physical health
It is easy to say Don't worry be happy, but understanding the deepest meaning of this will make our lives beautiful. Happiness is the ultimate essence of life and the present moment is happiness.