Stop Wondering… Start Doing!
Lille France, March 2024. Another Wondering turned Doing...

Stop Wondering… Start Doing!

From me to you.

Last week marked not just a birthday celebration but also a significant achievement. After nearly two decades (or should I say 22 years?) of preparation, I earned my Certificate as a Master Certified Coach (MCC). The MCC distinction recognizes seasoned, expert coaches who demonstrate a depth of knowledge and advanced-level coaching in full partnership and service to their clients. Interestingly, when I began my coaching journey, pursuing my MCC was never part of the plan.


Here's the thing: I've realized that so much of my life's path has been about moving from wondering to doing.

Growing up in the United States, I never imagined spending most of my life—now 40 years and counting—in Switzerland. Similarly, when I started my business, I never anticipated training over 500 coaches globally to deliver my programs in their unique languages and niches. When I met my current business partner(s), little did I know that our collaboration would lead to a second successful business venture and the opportunity to write my first book.


Am I a high achiever? Not really. But maybe I've learned to stop wondering and start doing.


Reflecting on the major milestones in my life, I've noticed a pattern: each significant decision began with a sense of wonder. I wondered if I should study abroad, learn a foreign language, join Weight Watchers to shed some pounds, work for a specific company, tie the knot with my partner (nearly 40 years together!), become a parent (raising three wonderful children), or venture into entrepreneurship.

"The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Through these wonderings, I've developed a simple yet effective process that guides my decision-making:

  1. Get Curious: Dive deep into the decision at hand. Explore the potential benefits and drawbacks, gathering as much information as possible to inform your choice.
  2. Seek Input: Reach out to others for their perspectives, without judgment or bias. Value their insights as you consider your options, understanding that diverse viewpoints can enrich your understanding of the situation.
  3. Trust Your Instincts: Avoid overthinking and instead trust your intuition to guide you. Listen to that inner voice that often knows what's best for you, even when the path forward seems uncertain.
  4. Take Decisive Action: Once you've weighed the options and consulted with others, decide, and commit to it wholeheartedly. Embrace the courage to take bold steps toward your goals, knowing that action is the catalyst for change.

This process of self-coaching has been instrumental in my journey, helping me navigate life's twists and turns with clarity and confidence. And as I continue to embrace wonder and take decisive action, I'm excited to see what new opportunities and adventures await.

I was recently coaching a soon-to-retire executive who stopped and said with emotion “I just want to live my life without regrets.”

If this Newsletter is just the nudge you need to go from wondering to doing, that's my intent, and we've both achieved something new and bold.

If you're curious to explore how you can turn your wonderings into realities and create a life with “no regrets,” please reach out.

This might be the most life-changing decision you ever make!

Happy Wonderings! In good whealth,



