William Piotrowski
William Piotrowski NMLS #219299 Branch Manager at Diamond Residential Mortgage Corporation Equal Housing Lender NMLS #186805 Call Today 630-881-8655 24/7 365 we are ready to serve you!
1. Hanging out with people who don’t appreciate you, or who suck all the energy out of your life.
2. Running from your problems and hiding from the truth 3. Acting as a door mat and putting yourself last.
4. Longing for the past and the way things used to be.
5. Beating yourself up for the stupid things you did
6. Looking to others to make you feel happy, or believing that “stuff” will bring you happiness.
7. Rejecting new relationships because you were hurt, or becuase you were disappointed in the past.
8. Being jealous of other people. It’s not a competition – set some goals, and go for them.
9. Holding grudges. Forgive, let it go – and then move on with your life.
10. Trying to be perfect. It’s not realistic so don’t waste your time.